European Rewilding Network

Nelleke de Weerd

European Rewilding Network

Let's rewild together

Juan Carlos Muñoz / Rewilding Europe

An exchange of excellence

Rewilding Europe recognises that our work is part of a broader European rewilding movement. As part of this movement, many great and inspirational initiatives have already developed over the last few decades, with more continuing to mushroom across the continent.

The objective of our groundbreaking European Rewilding Network (ERN) is to bring these initiatives closer together, empowering each network member with the information and tools to be more successful in their rewilding endeavours. We want to establish a living network of myriad rewilding initiatives, supporting them and facilitating the adoption of best rewilding practices and methodologies.

Nelleke de Weerd

Sharing experiences

All initiatives joining the Network are included into a database and can be easily located. The members are enabled to directly connect with similar initiatives in Europe, and are connected with Rewilding Europe itself. They become even more visible to the outside world as being part of a pan-European movement for active rewilding initiatives, and are encouraged to share their gained knowledge and experiences.

Rewilding Europe will facilitate this process through the online Network. Also, members of the Network receive additional information through specific training, learning seminars and exchange visits that will positively contribute to the work we are all involved in: Making Europe a Wilder Place.

Several main topics members are looking forward to share experiences on within the European Rewilding Network are: Successful species reintroductions (e.g. griffon vulture, beaver, European bison); How to raise public interest and attention through nature education and communication; The preservation of natural systems, for example restoring wetlands; How to involve and work together with local communities; and Professional wildlife watching and photography tourism development.


rewilding initiatives


European countries


million hectares involved


webinars held

Explore our members

   Rewilding Europe areas
   Other rewilding initiatives

“The large-scale rewilding of Europe needs initiatives across the continent to come together and support each other. The European Rewilding Network, united by a common desire to make Europe wilder, can foster such collaboration.”

Julia Mata

Julia Mata
Coordinator of the European Rewilding Network

Meeting your initiative’s needs


Becoming an ERN member

The ERN’s diverse membership stretches right across Europe.

We welcome applicants who are committed to long-term rewilding initiatives and who would like to make a positive contribution to the European Rewilding Network community.

We especially welcome applicants from countries that are not yet represented in the ERN, and from sectors that are under-represented.

All applicants should contribute to one or more of the four overarching strategic areas of Rewilding Europe:

Wilder Nature

Supporting the recovery of wilder nature and natural processes by letting nature lead 

Nature for People

Demonstrating the economic potential of rewilding and building nature-based economies. 

Building Engagement

Delivering effective communication strategies to change public perceptions, foster support, and engage stakeholders in the pursuit of a wilder Europe.

Scaling Up

Expanding and amplifying rewilding efforts across Europe, so that rewilding principles and practices are adopted at scale. 

Ready to apply? Fill in the application form! 

Questions? Contact us:  

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