Return of the Lynx in Poland
Reintroduction of lynx in the area of north-western Poland
The goal of this project is the restoration of lynx in the area of north-western Poland and ensuring appropriate conditions for the development of this species’ population. In order to transform the lynx from captivity for reintroduction, we use a new method which is based on the “born-to-be-free” method used in other projects, which should ensure the success of reintroduction. The main idea is to create conditions for young animals born in captivity that allow them to adapt to living in the wild, then multiply them and release mothers with their sired kittens.
The lynx will be bred in Dzika Zagroda in Jabłonowo. The breeding will be based on pairs of lowland lynxes from the zoological index. This will also promote lynx and its reintroduction as a tourist attraction. The reintroduction of lynxes will be placed in previously determined optimal areas, using individuals from their own breeding and will be preceded by the preparation of young specimens in adaptation areas. All released adult specimens will be subjected to immobilization before being placed in the pens for release, during which GPS collars will be put on them.

The goal of this project is the restoration of lynx in the area of north-western Poland and ensuring appropriate conditions for the development of this species’ population. In order to transform the lynx from captivity for reintroduction, we use a new method which is based on the “born-to-be-free” method used in other projects, which should ensure the success of reintroduction. The main idea is to create conditions for young animals born in captivity that allow them to adapt to living in the wild, then multiply them and release mothers with their sired kittens.
The lynx will be bred in Dzika Zagroda in Jabłonowo. The breeding will be based on pairs of lowland lynxes from the zoological index. This will also promote lynx and its reintroduction as a tourist attraction. The reintroduction of lynxes will be placed in previously determined optimal areas, using individuals from their own breeding and will be preceded by the preparation of young specimens in adaptation areas. All released adult specimens will be subjected to immobilization before being placed in the pens for release, during which GPS collars will be put on them.