
French vulture initiative joins European Rewilding Network

July 24, 2024  |  News

Pioneering French NGO Vautours en Baronnies is working to restore populations of all four European vulture species in the southwestern French Alps. Membership of the European Rewilding Network will enable the team to share knowledge, enhancing the comeback of these magnificent, ecologically important birds across the continent.

Rewilding Portugal opens its first wildlife watching hide

July 22, 2024  |  News

Rewilding efforts are now supporting wildlife comeback in Portugal’s Greater Côa Valley. The first of a network of wildlife watching hides has just opened in the landscape, providing visitors with an exciting window onto this recovery and supporting the development of nature-based tourism.

New documentary showcases rewilding’s power to revitalise

July 16, 2024  |  News

Rewilding is transforming the outlook for communities and nature in eastern Spain’s Iberian Highlands. A new documentary by award-winning filmmaker Emmanuel Rondeau, which recently premiered in one of the landscape’s most beautiful al fresco settings, tells an intimate story of this transformation.

Nature-based business networks take off across Rewilding Europe landscapes

July 1, 2024  |  News

Helping nature heal can lead to prosperous local economies. Nature-based business networks are being developed in a growing number of our rewilding landscapes, enabling businesses and communities to benefit from nature recovery in a sustainable way. This, in turn, is generating more support for rewilding.

Atlantic sturgeon reintroduced in Sweden for the first time

June 18, 2024  |  News

The Atlantic sturgeon, a keystone species, was driven to functional extinction in Europe in the middle of the twentieth century. Supported by a grant from Rewilding Europe’s European Wildlife Comeback fund, a pioneering initiative has seen this iconic fish reintroduced in a Swedish river for the first time ever.

Natural grazing event boosts networking in the Greater Côa Valley

June 14, 2024  |  News

Natural grazing can deliver multiple benefits for nature, climate and people. An event in the Greater Côa Valley rewilding landscape in Portugal at the end of May, which brought together a wide range of experts and young rewilders, helped participants to share knowledge and expertise, with the aim of scaling up this essential natural process in Europe.

Annual Review 2023: showcasing a bumper year for rewilding

June 6, 2024  |  News

Thanks to the expertise, passion and dedication of our entire European team, 2023 saw Rewilding Europe’s rewilding efforts move up another gear. Our latest Annual Review, which is packed with inspirational and educational content, shows that we are delivering positive impact on a growing scale across Europe, with benefits for nature, climate and people.

European bison arrive in Portugal for the first time

May 31, 2024  |  News

A herd of eight European bison have just arrived at the Herdade do Vale Feitoso Estate in Portugal. Managed in cooperation with the Rewilding Portugal team, they will enhance carbon sequestration, boost biodiversity, and support the growth of nature-based tourism.

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