European Rewilding Network
Large carnivores monitoring
Conservation in the Western Carpathians
The project supports the natural recovery of wolves, lynx and bears in the Western Carpathians. Their return to the Czech and Slovak landscapes is slowed down by poaching, hunting and habitat fragmentation. Sound monitoring, better education and communication are the main activities of the project.
Large carnivores monitoring
Type of protection:
protected landscape area
Habitat types:
Mixed and coniferous forests, mountain meadows
Keystone species:
Grey wolf, Eurasian lynx, Brown bear
Aim and vision:
The main aim is to improve the conservation status of large carnivores both in Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. It includes better monitoring, limiting both legal and illegal hunting of large carnivores, protecting wildlife corridors, and better knowledge and public awareness.
Peaceful coexistence between large carnivores and people with low level of conflict.
Uniqueness of the project:
Natural area intensively used by people, with variable densities of large carnivores and human activity.
Other activities:
Community involved, Eco tourism, Education, Research
Results you aim to accomplish in 10 years from now on:
Vision becomes a reality.
Results so far:
Established system for wolf and lynx monitoring, involvement of many volunteers.
Inspirational value:
Large carnivores and the W-Carpathian mountains are strong charismatic entities and a source of intensive inspiration for nature conservation.
Experience you would like to share:
Tracking of large carnivores and methods on monitoring, public involvement
Experience you would like to gain:
Involvement of specific groups like hunters and foresters.<br />
Economical stability of the project.

Czech Republic
Start year
Size (ha)
Area type
Natural process
Flagship species
The project supports the natural recovery of wolves, lynx and bears in the Western Carpathians. Their return to the Czech and Slovak landscapes is slowed down by poaching, hunting and habitat fragmentation. Sound monitoring, better education and communication are the main activities of the project.

Czech Republic
Start year
Size (ha)
Area type
Natural process
Flagship species
Large carnivores monitoring
Type of protection:
protected landscape area
Habitat types:
Mixed and coniferous forests, mountain meadows
Keystone species:
Grey wolf, Eurasian lynx, Brown bear
Aim and vision:
The main aim is to improve the conservation status of large carnivores both in Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. It includes better monitoring, limiting both legal and illegal hunting of large carnivores, protecting wildlife corridors, and better knowledge and public awareness.
Peaceful coexistence between large carnivores and people with low level of conflict.
Uniqueness of the project:
Natural area intensively used by people, with variable densities of large carnivores and human activity.
Other activities:
Community involved, Eco tourism, Education, Research
Results you aim to accomplish in 10 years from now on:
Vision becomes a reality.
Results so far:
Established system for wolf and lynx monitoring, involvement of many volunteers.
Inspirational value:
Large carnivores and the W-Carpathian mountains are strong charismatic entities and a source of intensive inspiration for nature conservation.
Experience you would like to share:
Tracking of large carnivores and methods on monitoring, public involvement
Experience you would like to gain:
Involvement of specific groups like hunters and foresters.<br />
Economical stability of the project.