Become a financial partner

Staffan Widstrand

Become a financial partner

Your support matters

Rewilding Europe offers financial partners the opportunity to support rewilding in a variety of ways, optimising the match between their interests and Rewilding Europe’s needs. This means financing options can either be non-commercial or commercial, while support can be both earmarked or non-earmarked – or a combination of the two.

  • If you are interested to provide un-earmarked financial support, we would be very grateful as this type of funding really gives us the flexibility and agility we need as we are covering new ground, pioneering rewilding models and principles in our landscapes and beyond it.
  • However, you can also provide semi-earmarked financial support, in particular: the European Wildlife Comeback Fund and Rewilding Europe Capital.
  • If you prefer more earmarked funding, there is a myriad of options including different landscapes, different thematic areas of work, or specific tools.

We offer different options to choose from, while tailor-made partnerships are always possible.

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Corporate partners

Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe

Nature positive

Would your company like to engage in our initiative as part of your ESG agenda, ambition to become nature positive or wish to participate in voluntary biodiversity offsets? Rewilding Europe can become your ideal partner. For corporate partners, we have developed Corporate Engagement Principles that are important for you to read before you contact us.

We invite companies to approach us for any support you think you can provide, ranging from specific services or products at reduced or no cost, to pro bono advisory work and financial contributions. Have a look at our list of partners to get inspired!

If you would like to become a corporate partner, please contact our Finance & Operations Director Johan Booij at or by phone +31 (0)6 14 448 630.

Invest in rewilding

Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe

Invest in rewilding

There are two ways to invest in rewilding:

  • Rewilding Europe Capital (REC) is our funding facility that provides financial loans to businesses that catalyse, support and achieve positive environmental and socio-economic outcomes that support rewilding. We welcome partnerships to collaborate in Rewilding Europe Capital’s mission and growth.
  • Rewilding Climate Solutions (RCS) aims to significantly scale up European rewilding by connecting land owners and impact investors looking to invest in rigorously verified, long-term, high-impact rewilding initiatives

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Private individuals and family foundations

Become a major donor

Major donors to Rewilding Europe are private individuals or family foundations who like to engage with us at a substantial level. We distinguish different options for private individuals or family foundations who are prepared to donate a minimum of 50,000 euros on an annual basis to our work, either in an un-earmarked or earmarked way.

Related to this, for private persons or companies residing in the Netherlands, there is also the possibility to provide an annual donation over a period of over 5 years, with a 50% tax reduction depending on your income.

Manuel Presti / Wild Wonders of Europe

Become a Rewilding Europe Patron

Support our rewilding mission in a unique, enduring, personal and hugely positive way! To qualify as a Rewilding Europe Patron the minimum annual contribution to our cause is 500,000 euros – ideally for a multi-year period. Donations are in principle ‘unrestricted’, but can, of course, be linked to a specific part, theme, or component of the initiative, based on personal preferences.

As a Rewilding Europe Patron you will contribute in a substantial way to the financial sustainability of the Rewilding Europe initiative over the medium and long term. This provides a sense of ownership that may be linked to your background, preferences, emotions, interests or expertise. It will also determine how you can become engaged with us in terms of activities, personal journeys, and communications – in a personal and exclusive way.

If you would like to become a major donor or a Rewilding Europe Patron, please contact Executive Director Frans Schepers: or by phone +31 (0) 6 54 702 764.


Apart from the options described above, we are also very grateful to you if you want to make smaller donations.


Give future generations the opportunity to enjoy a wilder Europe by supporting our rewilding work with a gift in your will.

Technical partner

Consider supporting rewilding on a non-financial basis by joining forces and becoming our technical partner.

Contact us for more information

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