Invest with us


Invest with us

Invest with us

Staffan Widstrand / Rewilding Europe


Invest in rewilding enterprises

Rewilding Europe supports the development of nature-based businesses across our rewilding landscapes and beyond. Our team identifies relevant local entrepreneurs and businesses, welcoming opportunities to connect them with environmentally minded investors or potential business partners.

For this purpose, Rewilding Europe Capital welcomes partnerships with private individuals, companies and environmentally minded investors to collaborate in Rewilding Europe Capital’s mission and growth. This will serve as a precursor to a larger and more conventional conservation enterprise investment model as the initiative builds momentum and its investment track record. If you are interested in these opportunities, we invite you to contact us for more details.

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Juan Carlos Muñoz Robredo / Rewilding Europe

Invest in rewilding land

Rewilding Europe enables landscape-scale nature recovery across Europe by demonstrating that rewilding initiatives can generate new and significant value for landowners and managers, investors, a wider network of stakeholders, and society at large.

Through Wilderway we enhance the commercial viability of rewilding initiatives by enabling them to sell nature-based carbon credits to the market.  Such credits will differ from more traditional carbon credits in that they will facilitate the restoration of European landscapes in line with Rewilding Principles – thereby enhancing carbon capture and biodiversity, and delivering a range of other co-benefits, such as clean air, fresh water, and thriving nature-based economies.

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