Success stories of the US Endangered Species Act
An interesting report from the USA shows how the Endangered Species Act is helping to recover species.
An interesting report from the USA shows how the Endangered Species Act is helping to recover species.
WILD10, the 10th World Wilderness Congress was presented to the Spanish society and the media on April 9 in Madrid. WILD10 will take place in Salamanca from 4 to 10 October 2013 under the Honorary Presidency of H.M. Queen Sofia and fostered by The Wild Foundation.
Five European bisons were released in Vanatori-Neamt Nature Park, which is the beginning of the reintroduction of the species in the Carpathian Mountains.
Geocaching is one of the fastest growing outdoor pursuits in the world. All ages and abilities can play it and you even find hidden treasures. In the Eastern Carpathians one of those hidden treasures is the wild nature. The development of this trail was funded by Rewilding Europe.
Two Returta foals were born in Western Iberia. The birth of these two foals is a great demonstration of their adaptation to the dehesa they live in.
Last week Juan José Negro, director of the Doñana Biological Station visited the Western Iberia rewilding area. Together with researchers Juan Calderon and Fernando Ibáñez from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) they spent time at the Biological Reserve Campanarios de Azaba.
Last year we launched the Rewilding Europe Travel Club – a community of people who like nature travel and nature experiences in a wide sense.
Recently, PAN Parks and Rewilding Europe agreed to work more closely together on protecting existing wilderness as well as increasing wilderness, wild areas and wildlife numbers in Europe. Both organizations offer new solutions to improve the conservation value and cost efficiency of the EU’s flagship nature protection scheme, Natura 2000, through rewilding large areas of land, promoting wilderness and increasingly using non-intervention management approaches in many Natura 2000 areas. Letting nature be itself.
Our freshly launched image bank gives a powerful overview of all our rewilding areas and the natural treasures of Europe.
Rewilding Europe has become one of the new beneficiaries of the Dutch Postcode Lottery. The announcement was made yesterday at the yearly charity event “Goed Geld Gala” in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, where President Bill Clinton was the special guest. Rewilding Europe became one of the four new beneficiaries that were announced at this wonderful event.