
European vulture comeback boosted by new agreement

December 10, 2020  |  News

Vultures are a vital yet vulnerable part of European wild nature. A new memorandum of understanding between Rewilding Europe and the Vulture Conservation Foundation will enhance essential support for European vulture conservation and rewilding.

Symposium success reveals huge potential of rewilding

December 8, 2020  |  News

With over 2000 participants, the enormous interest in last week’s Rewilding Symposium shows that rewilding is being increasingly embraced as a progressive approach to conservation. As the connection between rewilding science and practice develops, the impact of rewilding will continue to scale up and inspire others to become involved.

New documentary to enhance Portuguese rewilding movement

November 26, 2020  |  News

A new documentary “Rewilding: a new path for nature in Portugal” showcases the rewilding efforts of the Rewilding Portugal team and partners. By educating and inspiring viewers, it aims to take rewilding in Portugal to the next level.

Bear Smart Communities of the Central Apennines boosted by new agreement

November 19, 2020  |  News

The Bear Smart Communities of the Central Apennines rewilding area in Italy are already benefitting Marsican brown bears and local residents. A new memorandum of understanding between Rewilding Europe and nature-focused property rental site will help to scale up their positive impact.

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