Tag: Rhodope Mountains

Five more black vultures tagged as LIFE Vultures project progresses

November 14, 2017  |  News

The birds, tagged with GPS transmitters in Dadia National Park in Greece, will offer additional insight into black vulture behaviour and movement on and around the Balkan Peninsula. By supporting conservation measures, this will hopefully reinforce the comeback of this magnificent yet endangered species.

Rhodopes GPS tagging provides platform for LIFE Vultures success

November 2, 2017  |  Blog

As part of the ongoing LIFE Vultures project, a growing number of griffon and black vultures in and around the Rhodope Mountains rewilding area are being tagged with GPS transmitters. The geospatial data these transmitters provide will be critical to the comeback of these magnificent yet endangered birds.

Семинар за възстановяване на елените и опазването на природата в Източните Родопи

November 2, 2017  |  Uncategorised

Над 30 представители на ловни и риболовни сдружения, държавни институции и природозащитни организации обсъдиха в края на миналата седмица различни възможности и съвместни дейности за по-ефективно опазване на дивата природа в Източните Родопи. Това стана в рамките на двудневен семинар „Разселване и опазване на едър дивеч и предотвратяване на престъпления срещу природата в Източните Родопи“, … Continued

Children celebrate International Vulture Awareness Day in the Rhodopes

September 8, 2017  |  LIFE Vultures news, News

The first weekend in September saw a crowd of more than 40 people gather in the town of Madzharovo, in Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains, to mark International Vulture Awareness Day Taking place across the world on this weekend every year, the day is designed to publicise and promote the conservation of vultures to a global audience, and to celebrate the splendour of these endangered birds.

New campaign to ban diclofenac in Europe

July 27, 2017  |  LIFE Vultures news, News

Despite its catastrophic impact on Asian vulture populations in the 1990s, veterinary diclofenac is still used and marketed in countries such as Spain and Italy. The Vulture Conservation Foundation, a partner of Rewilding Europe in the LIFE Vultures project in the Rhodope Mountains rewilding area, has launched a campaign to ban its use in Europe.

Young Bulgarian explorers gather at the second Kartali Nature Camp

June 9, 2017  |  LIFE Vultures news, News

With the slogan “Become an explorer”, this year’s Kartali Nature Camp inspired more than 60 people to explore the dramatic beauty of Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains, and to learn more about the local LIFE Vultures Project. Held between May 12 and 17 on the banks of the Studen Kladenets Reservoir, the event, attended by everyone from small children to volunteers and students, proved incredibly popular with young Bulgarian nature lovers.

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