
Wild Wonders of Europe exhibition comes to Stockholm

June 3, 2013  |  News

The landmark outdoor photo exhibition “Wild Wonders of Europe” is coming to Stockholm, opening on Tuesday, 25 June 2013. A special selection of images from Rewilding Europe’s rewilding activities is also on display.

Study prepares for bison reintroduction in Southern Carpathians

May 31, 2013  |  News

The results of a bison feasibility study in the Southern Carpathians show that most habitats in the area are very suitable for the bison. The basins of Motrul Sec, Bahna and Sebes rivers each offer over 8000 hectares for the animals – an area big enough for the minimal population patch size for the European bison.

Larger no-hunting zones in Western Iberia support wildlife comeback

May 29, 2013  |  News

Large-scale land use agreements in Portugal have proved to be very difficult to achieve, as the average size of rural properties is well under two hectares. Often, land is distributed among several owners, making the task of contacting them very difficult and time-consuming. In addition, some studies state that there are two million hectares of land in Portugal where landowners are not identified.

New leaflet on natural grazing

May 26, 2013  |  News

Natural grazing is all about the return of wild and semi-wild grazers to their natural habitats. But what does this mean? And how does it serve us and nature?

Rewilding Europe visit to Eastern Rhodopes

May 22, 2013  |  News

On 17 May a Rewilding Europe delegation presented the initiative to a select audience at the Credo Bonum gallery in Sofia. Attendees included Julian Popov – Minister of Environment and Water, and Karel van Kesteren – Dutch Ambassador.

Successful Intensive Programme on european wilderness entrepreneurship

May 6, 2013  |  News

The first edition of the Erasmus Intensive Programme “European Wilderness Entrepreneurship” was a great success for the Western Iberia rewilding area. During this two week event a consortium of thirty students and fifteen lecturers/researchers from universities in Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands looked at the role of entrepreneurship to promote the future wilderness of Western Iberia.

Double winners of a Dutch nature contest win a trip to the Danube Delta

April 19, 2013  |  News

A contest for young professionals in The Netherlands on ideas to double nature in the country, has delivered two winners. An essay of Iris de Boer, together with a short film from Stefan Sand, Merijn Biemans and Christoph Janzing to “rewild” Dutch cities by adopting flagship species and support their comeback through an online platform, were the price-winners.

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