
The Danube Delta rewilding area expands into Ukraine

May 30, 2017  |  News

Rewilding Europe is delighted to announce that rewilding activities in the spectacular Danube Delta, Europe’s second largest wetland, will now extend into Ukraine. This follows the signing of a partnership agreement with Rewilding Ukraine, a newly established local NGO.

Something old, something new

May 19, 2017  |  News

Looking to boost the benefical impact of free-roaming wild horses in the Coa Valley, Associação Transumância e Natureza (ATN) starts the Zebro Project.

Paul Jepson joins the board of Rewilding Europe

May 19, 2017  |  News

We are thrilled to announce that Paul Jepson has joined Rewilding Europe’s Supervisory Board since April this year. The appointment formalises the hugely valuable and ongoing contribution of this leading British conservationist, geographer and ornithologist to rewilding.

Finland’s Snowchange purchases wetland with its first Rewilding Europe Capital loan

May 10, 2017  |  News

A loan from Rewilding Europe Capital (REC) enabled Finland-based Snowchange Cooperative to purchase the 110-hectare Linnunsuo wetland area in April. Situated in Finnish North Karelia, the wetland was bought from Vapo, the leading developer of bioenergy in Finland and the world’s leading peat industry business, after a year of negotiation. This groundbreaking loan is the first provided by REC to a member of the European Rewilding Network (ERN).

New bison boost in the Southern Carpathians

April 28, 2017  |  News

The spectacular sight of Europe’s largest land animal running wild  is set to become more common in Romania’s Țarcu Mountains. After a long journey from the Avesta Reserve in Sweden, a group of nine European bison arrived at Rewilding Europe’s Southern Carpathians rewilding area on April 22 and 23. The group will eventually join free-roaming animals that have been released here over successive years since 2014.

Annual Review 2016: a rewilding retrospective

April 24, 2017  |  News

Five years on from the foundation of Rewilding Europe, the year 2016 marked an important milestone for our young but rapidly developing initiative. Unveiled at the Wild Ways event on April 19, 2017, the Annual Review for 2016 looks back at Rewilding Europe’s major achievements over the period 2011–2016, as well as outlining our ambitions for the future.

Wild Ways: a milestone meeting

April 20, 2017  |  News

Rewilding Europe’s first ever gathering sees team members, partners and supporters come together to review progress, look ahead to a wilder future and witness the launch of “Europe’s Five”.

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