
Megafauna restoration is a legal obligation

May 27, 2022  |  Blog

Large mammals (megafauna) have crucial roles in ecosystems. Megafauna restoration is therefore a key element of rewilding. A new study finds that restoring Europe’s megafauna as much as possible is in fact a legal (and moral) obligation.

Record-breaking year for dam removal shows growing interest in river restoration

May 16, 2022  |  Blog

The removal of dams has proven to be the most environmentally efficient and cost-effective way of restoring rivers, bringing wide-ranging benefits to both people and wild nature. Dam Removal Europe’s latest progress report shows an increase of 137% of barriers removed compared to the previous year, confirming the growing movement and interest in restoring rivers in Europe.

Portugal’s rewilding rangers

February 17, 2022  |  Blog

On the constant lookout for environmental crime and damaging wildfire, Rewilding Portugal’s surveillance team travel thousands of kilometres every year to protect wolves and other wildlife south of the Douro River.

An interview with Wouter Helmer

January 28, 2022  |  Blog

Rewilding Europe co-founder Wouter Helmer retired at the end of 2021. Over the last decade, his instrumental involvement with the initiative has given him pride, happy memories, and hope for the future.

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