Tag: human wildlife coexistence

Art connects people with rewilding in the Central Apennines

February 24, 2025  |  News

In the Central Apennines rewilding landscape in Italy, innovative artistic initiatives are engaging a broader local audience in critical issues such as wildlife poisoning and human-wildlife coexistence. Changing mindsets and inspiring action will support the scaling up of rewilding and the positive impact it delivers.

Survey reveals positive attitudes towards rewilding in the Oder Delta

February 8, 2024  |  News

An extensive new study carried out in Germany and Poland has revealed widespread societal support for rewilding and the return of wildlife in the Oder Delta. It also highlighted the need to continue promoting the benefits of nature recovery and the restoration of natural processes – particularly to people living in and around the delta.

Bear workshops build engagement and promote coexistence in the Central Apennines

July 19, 2023  |  News

The aim of the LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors initiative is to enhance human-bear coexistence in Italy, Greece, and further afield. The initiative’s well-attended first two public meetings, in the towns of Pettorano sul Gizio and Vastogirardi in the Central Apennines rewilding landscape, proved very positive and educational events.

New European wildlife comeback study kicks off

February 23, 2021  |  News

Rewilding Europe has commissioned a science-based overview of changes in the abundance and distribution of selected wildlife species in Europe. The updated Wildlife Comeback report will provide the latest and state-of-the-art insights, opportunities and challenges for wildlife comeback at a European scale.

The people perspective

September 23, 2020  |  Blog

Rewilding means more than recovering wildlife populations and restoring landscapes. People are an equally important and integral component of the rewilding dynamic too. From bison rangers in the Southern Carpathians and nature guides in the Oder Delta to volunteers in the Central Apennines and entrepreneurs in the Velebit Mountains, Rewilding Europe’s work continues to touch and transform people’s lives across the continent. Four interviews showcase the diversity of this impact.

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