Tag: Greater Côa Valley

New documentary to enhance Portuguese rewilding movement

November 26, 2020  |  News

A new documentary “Rewilding: a new path for nature in Portugal” showcases the rewilding efforts of the Rewilding Portugal team and partners. By educating and inspiring viewers, it aims to take rewilding in Portugal to the next level.

New collaboration offers a unique way to support rewilding

June 3, 2020  |  News

A new collaboration between Rewilding Europe and for-purpose venture Earth Today means anyone can now sponsor the rewilding of land in the Greater Côa Valley. The overall aim of the venture is to ramp up the conservation and restoration of wild nature across the world.

Rewilding – the natural way to avoid too many fires in Western Iberia

August 22, 2013  |  Blog

The period from July to October is a risky one in Western Iberia every year. You cannot imagine how high the temperatures can get and how scarce the rains most often are. This means a great risk of fire. Even if fire is a natural phenomenon here and has always been, the frequency has increased to very high and dangerous levels that are not natural. Not because of the climate, but rather because of humans and their habits.

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