Tag: ERN

Tauros herd transported from Taurus Foundation to the Auerrind Project

September 3, 2018  |  News

Cooperation between a member of the European Rewilding Network (the Auerrind Project) and partner of Rewilding Europe (the Taurus Foundation) saw eight Tauros translocated between the Netherlands and Germany in August. A significant milestone in the development of the Auerrind Project, the translocation will help with the back-breeding of aurochs.

German Auerrind project joins European Rewilding Network

May 21, 2018  |  News

Rewilding Europe is delighted to welcome a new member from Germany to the European Rewilding Network. Displaying impressive growth since its launch at WILD10 in Salamanca in October 2013, the network now comprises 61 members from 26 European countries (including Rewilding Europe’s eight operational areas).

The European Rewilding Network welcomes three new members

November 7, 2017  |  News

Rewilding Europe is delighted to welcome three new members (from Scotland, Spain and Poland) to the European Rewilding Network. Displaying impressive growth since its launch at WILD10 in Salamanca in October 2013, the network now comprises 57 members from 25 European countries (including Rewilding Europe’s eight operational areas).

Five new European Rewilding Network members – now 48 from 23 countries

April 20, 2016  |  News

Rewilding Europe warmly welcomes five new members to the European Rewilding Network. These new members are rewilding initiatives in Austria/Germany, Greece, Belarus, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Ukraine. Since its launch at WILD10 Salamanca in October 2013, the network doubled in size and is now counting 48 members from 23 European countries.

Biking for Rewilding – Rewilding in Germany (part 5)

December 2, 2015  |  Blog

Dave and Anna, two environmentalists from the United Kingdom, started their “Biking for Rewilding” tour in April 2015 after leaving their office jobs and taking off on an adventure with a purpose. The 4,000 km cycling tour led them through seven European countries, where they visited seven rewilding areas. The final two destinations were Wisent Welt and the Palatinate Forest Biosphere Reserve in Germany, members of the European Rewilding Network (ERN).

Biking for rewilding – Natural Rewilding at Swiss National Park (part 3)

September 3, 2015  |  Blog

On our cycle tour of rewilding areas in Europe, our third stop was Parc Naziunal Svizzer – the Swiss National Park. Established in 1914, it was the first national park in the Alps and by now one of the oldest national parks in Europe. It is one of the first members of the European Rewilding Network (ERN).

18 newborn European bison in the European Rewilding Network areas

August 25, 2015  |  News

Between March and July this year, in total 18 European bison calves have been born in European Rewilding Network member areas. These (semi-)wild new-borns add up to the total number of 5555 individuals registered in the European Bison Pedigree Book (December 2014). The European bison is still listed as ‘vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, although in many places in our continent great work is ongoing to create a better future for the species. All these initiatives help the European bison to roam more of Europe’s natural and semi-natural landscapes.

Sharing experience within a growing European Rewilding Network

June 18, 2015  |  News

On June 5 another event was held to share experience between members of the European Rewilding Network. This time the subject was about coexistence between people and large carnivores. This sixth web-based seminar included a presentation of two best-practice examples from areas with existing conflicts between local people and wildlife in Bulgaria and Spain. Webinar discussions focused on innovative methods as to how to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, and turn such problems into new opportunities.

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