Tag: Central Apennines

European Rewilding Network gathering brings initiatives closer together

December 22, 2021  |  News

Hosted by Rewilding Europe and the Rewilding Apennines team, the Network’s face to face gathering welcomed 36 rewilding practitioners from 12 countries to the rewilding area. The five-day event proved to be an inspiring platform for exchanging knowledge and ideas to accelerate the upscaling of rewilding principles and best practices across Europe.

Rewilding Apennines website goes live

March 29, 2021  |  News

Showcasing rewilding efforts in the Central Apennines, the new website will connect people with wild nature and help realise the area’s rewilding vision.

Bear Smart Communities of the Central Apennines boosted by new agreement

November 19, 2020  |  News

The Bear Smart Communities of the Central Apennines rewilding area in Italy are already benefitting Marsican brown bears and local residents. A new memorandum of understanding between Rewilding Europe and nature-focused property rental site nature.house will help to scale up their positive impact.

New study paves way for crayfish comeback in the Central Apennines

July 30, 2020  |  News

The white-clawed crayfish, which is a keystone species in freshwater ecosystems, is in decline across much of Europe. A positive feasibility study carried out on streams in the Central Apennines rewilding area means a restocking programme can now be carried out, thereby enhancing the ecological condition of these waterways.

Citizen scientists help Rewilding Europe analyse camera trap photos

October 18, 2019  |  News

Wildlife enthusiasts can now contribute to rewilding efforts wherever they are. ZSL’s (Zoological Society of London) groundbreaking ‘Instant Wild’ platform allows everyone to collectively identify animals in camera trap photos. A research partnership with Rewilding Europe has already seen a wide range of species tagged in imagery from the Central Apennines rewilding area.

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