How a chain reaction in the Greater Côa Valley is shaping a new future
The Faia Brava is located in the Côa Valley, where Rewilding Europe is working with its local partners to develop a 120,000-hectare wildlife corridor – the Greater Côa Valley –…
The Faia Brava is located in the Côa Valley, where Rewilding Europe is working with its local partners to develop a 120,000-hectare wildlife corridor – the Greater Côa Valley –…
They are breeding rabbits for reintroduction and rock pigeons too, and have started with wild living horses of an ancient Portuguese race, to see the effect on the landscape. We…
…my temporary base. One of Tom’s fellow students, Maxime Parmentier, carries out fieldwork in the Faia Brava nature reserve in Portugal. Tom Verhoeve Life was definitely good in Algodres, but…
Faia Brava Star Camp, Europe’s first real safari accommodation in Côa Valley, Western Iberia rewilding landscape, Portugal. Juan Carlos Múñoz / Rewilding Europe Last year, Star Camp was pre-launch in…
Dehesa forests with Holm oak (Quercus ilex) and French lavender (Lavandula stoechas) in Campanarios de Azába Reserve Staffan Widstrand / Rewilding Europe Faia Brava There is no need to make…
…we arrived at the Western Iberia rewilding area – Faia Brava, Portugal – where we stayed at the campsite for two weeks as part of our cycle tour of European…
Event announcement in Faia Brava Reserve/ Associação Transumância e Natureza (ATN) Associação Transumância e Natureza (ATN), Rewilding Europe’s prime partner in the area, will celebrate its 15th anniversary with special…
Côa Velley, Faia Brava reserve, Western Iberia rewilding landscape, Portugal. Staffan Widstrand / Rewilding Europe Dawn is rising in the Côa Valley, grazers roaming through Faia Brava reserve are slowly…
Free living Sorraia horses in Faia Brava nature reserve, Western Iberia rewilding area, Portugal. Juan Carlos Múñoz / Rewilding Europe Raising the grazing Rewilding Europe wants Europe’s native herbivores to…
…environmental education, at the Faia Brava Reserve, but due to the travel time to get there, only schools from the surroundings could visit Faia Brava. Now, ATN is aiming to…