Taurus Foundation

The Tauros Foundation is dedicated to creating a substitute for the extinct aurochs that is best able to thrive in contemporary natural grazing schemes and wild landscapes. As the ancestor of all domesticated cattle, it is hard to think of a more important animal in the history of mankind than the auroch. Once widespread across … Continued

De Maashorst

In the nature core we ensure that process nature is given space. By this we mean that the management and development of nature is determined by natural processes and less and less by human intervention. This contributes to De Maashorst’s identity as the OER area in province North Brabant. For example, dead wood remains and … Continued

Slikken van de Heen

Slikken van de Heen is part of Krammer-Volkerak, a Natura 2000 site which was connected with the North Sea until 1987. Today it is a large freshwater lake supporting huge numbers of water birds, while the area is also home to animals such as a breeding pair of white-tailed eagles, a spoonbill colony and pine martens. Grazing … Continued

Marker Wadden

Marker Wadden restoration project, run by  Natuurmonumenten will restore Lake Marken (Markermeer), one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe, by constructing islands, marshes and mud flats from the sediments that have accumulated in the lake in recent decades. Marker Wadden will boost biodiversity in the Netherlands. The project is aiming to restore an area of … Continued

European bison in Veluwe

The bison reintroduction project in the Veluwe area is an initiative of the foundation ‘Wisent op de Veluwe’, in partnership with the State Forest Service and ARK Nature. The bison is introduced to rewild the Veluwe area as an additional large herbivore species to support natural grazing as a key ecological process. It is also meant to support wildlife-based … Continued

Drents-Friese Wold

The main objective of the project is nature restoration off the upper course of the small lowland stream de Vledder Aa, giving back a more natural course to the stream after being channelled. Stimulation for a more natural forest development is another part of the project. Natural grazing by Sayaguesa cattle is taking place and … Continued

Meuse Valley River Park

Since 2005 the RLKM has started an integrated project called “Maasvalley” with a synergy between nature & landscape, tourism & recreation, education & perception. Within this project the emphasis lies on the preservation, recovery and re-establishment of the natural and landscaping elements. The Maas is an impressive rain river and forms the Belgian-Dutch border from Maastricht … Continued


Straddling both Limburg provinces and North Brabant, GrensPark Kempen~Broek covers a 25000-ha area that strikes the right balance between wet and dry, open and closed, nature and culture. Kempen~Broek is situated at the base of a plateau. In this lower area, many creeks merge in valleys, wetlands and marshes. These lie between inland dunes, covered with … Continued


Millingerwaard is a pioneering and showcase rewilding initiative in the Netherlands. As a pilot of the far larger (5000 hectare) Gelderse Poort project (itself one of the most innovative rewilding initiatives of our times) which has provided more space for the River Waal in the Nijmegen area and led to its ecological recovery, the 600-hectare Millingerwaard site demonstrates … Continued

European bison in a Dutch dune system

The pilot project is about bringing back European bison to a Western European area where it lives under natural circumstances e.g. no additional food is given, together with Konik horses, Highland cattle, fallow deer, roe deer and rabbits. The project is carried out in a coastal dune area in which forest patches intertwine with open grasslands … Continued

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