
Pelican Way of LIFE nominated for prestigious Natura 2000 Award

April 12, 2022  |  News

Our work to stabilize and strengthen interconnected populations of the Dalmatian pelican along the Black Sea-Mediterranean flyway has been recognised by the European Commission’s Natura 2000 Awards. Through reducing the risk of collisions with power lines, the installation of nesting platforms and establishing regular patrols, The Pelican Way of LIFE initiative has helped to create two new breeding colonies in Bulgaria.

European Rewilding Network presents pelican progress

March 24, 2022  |  News

A recent webinar gathered 30 participants from 11 European countries and India to learn about the Pelican Way of LIFE initiative, as work continues to improve conditions for Dalmatian pelicans along the Black Sea-Mediterranean Flyway.

Rewilding is an essential nature-based climate solution

March 18, 2022  |  News

By enabling nature recovery, rewilding can play a game-changing role helping us to mitigate the scale and impact of global warming. The fifth in our ongoing series of impact stories takes a look at how European rewilding has evolved as a nature-based climate solution over the last 10 years.

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