
Young people want the nature restoration law to be a game changer

April 18, 2023  |  Blog

Giulia Testa is the coordinator of the European Young Rewilders. She has a master’s degree in Environmental Law and Policy specialised in biodiversity law. She has coordinated and has been actively involved in the youth advocacy project around the EU Nature Restoration Law since 2021, presenting youth perspectives and demands to EU decision-makers. Giulia is also part of the youth consistuency of the Convention on Biodiversity. In this opinion piece, she talks about how important the EU Nature Restoration Law is to the younger generation.

The benefits of the beaver

December 22, 2022  |  Blog

The ability of the Eurasian beaver to create new habitats for a host of wildlife species, and to deliver a range of benefits for people, is amazing. Once on the verge of extinction, the beaver’s expansion across Europe over the last 60 years is a cause for celebration. But what exactly are the animal’s positive impacts?

Request to COP 15 delegates: prioritise rewilding

December 7, 2022  |  Blog

Restoring the health and functionality of wild nature offers us a game-changing opportunity to address our biodiversity and climate emergencies at the same time. The UN’s biodiversity and climate-related plans and agreements should reflect this by working synergistically to maximise support for rewilding.

Adapt, Survive, Thrive

November 30, 2022  |  Blog

Today, global warming is increasingly affecting people and nature across the world. Rewilding is a great way of enhancing the climate change resilience of landscapes and communities.

Internships provide fresh insights for future reintroductions in the Rhodope Mountains

September 8, 2022  |  Blog

As part of their Master’s degree in Forest and Nature conservation at Wageningen University & Research, students Lucy Dötig and Fleur Bokma did a six months internship this year with Rewilding Europe, investigating habitat suitability for fallow deer, red deer and European bison in the Rhodope Mountains Rewilding Landscape. We checked in with them recently to see how they have been getting on.

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