
Peat power: Rewilding in the Oder Delta

September 5, 2023  |  Blog

From climate change mitigation to biodiversity enhancement, peatland rewilding offers a wide range of benefits. We caught up with Peter Torkler, Rewilding Oder Delta team leader (Poland), to discuss peatland restoration on the Polish side of the Oder Delta.

Living with beavers: Europe’s largest rodent makes an Italian comeback

July 31, 2023  |  Blog

The appearance of small Eurasian beaver populations in parts of Italy has attracted the attention of the public and scientific community. After more than 500 years, the return of this keystone herbivore – and its positive impact on the landscape and its ecology – is highlighting the need for coexistence with a species relatively unknown in Italian society.

The EU Nature Restoration Law: Turning the Tide

May 23, 2023  |  Blog

During a recent visit to the Danube Delta, Frans Schepers – CEO of Rewilding Europe – witnessed the resilience of nature and people. Reflecting on his visit, he urgently calls upon our governments and representatives in Brussels to prioritise the enactment of the EU Nature Restoration Law. Immediate action is needed to harness the transformative power of rewilding and secure a better future.

Life through the lens: an interview with Joshi Nichell

April 19, 2023  |  Blog

Last year, young German photographer and videographer Joshi Nichell won the European Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition’s first ever Rewilding Europe Award. We caught up with Joshi to find out more about his life, work, and thoughts on rewilding.

Young people want the nature restoration law to be a game changer

April 18, 2023  |  Blog

Giulia Testa is the coordinator of the European Young Rewilders. She has a master’s degree in Environmental Law and Policy specialised in biodiversity law. She has coordinated and has been actively involved in the youth advocacy project around the EU Nature Restoration Law since 2021, presenting youth perspectives and demands to EU decision-makers. Giulia is also part of the youth consistuency of the Convention on Biodiversity. In this opinion piece, she talks about how important the EU Nature Restoration Law is to the younger generation.

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