Tag: wildlife comeback

Atlantic sturgeon reintroduced in Sweden for the first time

June 18, 2024  |  News

The Atlantic sturgeon, a keystone species, was driven to functional extinction in Europe in the middle of the twentieth century. Supported by a grant from Rewilding Europe’s European Wildlife Comeback fund, a pioneering initiative has seen this iconic fish reintroduced in a Swedish river for the first time ever.

Survey reveals positive attitudes towards rewilding in the Oder Delta

February 8, 2024  |  News

An extensive new study carried out in Germany and Poland has revealed widespread societal support for rewilding and the return of wildlife in the Oder Delta. It also highlighted the need to continue promoting the benefits of nature recovery and the restoration of natural processes – particularly to people living in and around the delta.

New publication presents latest insights on rewilding horses in Europe

December 26, 2023  |  News

Alongside other free-roaming herbivores, wild horses can play an essential ecological role in European landscapes and deliver diverse benefits to people. A new and updated guide from Rewilding Europe will help to scale up European horse rewilding by providing the latest scientific and practical information.

Resilient rewilding in the Danube Delta

December 21, 2023  |  Blog

Despite the ongoing impact of the Russian invasion, rewilding in the Danube Delta continues to have a positive impact on terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems – a testament to the resilience of nature and local rewilding teams.

European bison continue their recovery in Azerbaijan

December 20, 2023  |  News

An ambitious initiative to establish a viable, self-sustaining, free-ranging population of European bison in Azerbaijan has taken a step forward with the support of Rewilding Europe’s European Wildlife Comeback Fund.

Second group of hamsters released on the Tarutino Steppe

September 12, 2023  |  News

The Rewilding Ukraine team are engaged in long-term efforts to create a wilder and healthier Tarutino Steppe. The ongoing reintroduction of European hamsters will help to restore local food webs, enhance biodiversity, and boost nature-based tourism.

Ongoing cinereous vulture comeback offers multiple benefits in the Iberian Highlands

August 2, 2023  |  News

Seven cinereous vultures have just been released in the Iberian Highlands rewilding landscape in Spain, as part of an ongoing reintroduction programme. The restoration of this iconic and ecologically important bird as a breeding species will enhance the health of the landscape, support economic growth, and help to prevent the outbreak of disease.

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