Tag: Southern Carpathians

Rewilding Tented Camp experience in the Southern Carpathians

September 10, 2015  |  Blog

This summer, the rewilding team has been busy designing a Tented Camp experience in the Southern Carpathians rewilding landscape. The infrastructure for the Tented Camp is made up of highly durable tents and other amenities designed to provide comfort for tourists who want to spend a couple of nights in a remote and wild natural area, explore the surroundings with specialized wildlife guides but also offer an exclusive experience to those who are not the usual campers.

European Commission supports bison reintroduction in the Southern Carpathians

September 4, 2015  |  News

The European Commission has approved the LIFE proposal “Urgent actions for the recovery of European Bison populations in Romania”, developed by Rewilding Europe and WWF Romania to support the reintroduction of the European bison into the Tarçu Mountains Natura 2000 site in the Southern Carpathians rewilding landscape. The funding will be used to build a viable population of European bison in this area, by releasing in total 100 animals in the coming five years.

Newborn bison calf enjoys wild nature in Southern Carpathians

July 3, 2015  |  News

Ten days ago, one of the females from the founder herd of the European bison roaming the Tarcu Mountains for over a year now, gave birth to a healthy calf. The now 7-year-old female bison arrived in the Southern Carpathians rewilding area in Romania in May 2014 as part of the reintroduction and rewilding initiative led by Rewilding Europe and WWF-Romania.

28 European bison now roaming the Tarcu Mountains in the Southern Carpathians

June 15, 2015  |  News

One year ago the European bison, the largest land mammal on our continent, returned to its old haunts in the Southern Carpathians. One year later, during a second major release event on 12 and 13 June last week, the number of animals doubled as a next step to create a viable population of free roaming bison in this Natura 2000 site.

Princess Theodora of Liechtenstein visits Southern Carpathians rewilding area

June 13, 2015  |  News

On June 6, HSH Princess Theodora von Liechtenstein and HSH Prince Alexander von Liechtenstein visited Romania with the Green Teen Team Foundation to launch a school programme with young students from Armenis and Teregova, together with Rewilding Europe and WWF Romania. Theodora is the founder of the foundation whose objective is to help to save endangered species of plants and animals to conserve our planet’s biodiversity. This is done, in part, by empowering children to be able to make changes to their lives, consequently the lives of others and the life of the planet.

Bison in the wild – second bison release in the Southern Carpathians announced

May 29, 2015  |  News

Rewilding Europe and WWF Romania are thrilled to announce the second release of European bison to take place in the Southern Carpathians rewilding area on 12 and 13 June 2015. The herd brought into the acclimatisation area last year will be released into the wild, becoming the first bison to roam freely in the Southern Carpathians for over 200 years. In addition, a new herd of 18 European bison, originating from six different wildlife centres in Europe will arrive in Romania to be brought into the acclimatization area.

Your wildest donation helps us make Europe a wilder place

December 31, 2014  |  News

Rewilding Europe now offers the perfect opportunity to anyone that loves and cares about wildlife! In a minute, you can become a vital part of Making Europe a Wilder Place, either by giving one of these gifts away, or putting them high on your own wish list.

Challenging times for the new bison herd in the Southern Carpathians

October 8, 2014  |  News

Three out of the 17 European bison that were reintroduced to the Southern Carpathians last May, have died over the last weeks. Rewilding Europe and WWF-Romania are now together with the National Veterinary Authority in Bucharest carefully studying what the reasons for this very sad news might be.

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