Tag: Southern Carpathians

A Vulture’s Voyage

March 13, 2018  |  News

The ongoing LIFE Vultures Project in Bulgaria and Greece has seen a number of black vultures tagged with GPS transmitters. Last year these showed one particular bird making a remarkable journey.

On the bison beat

September 13, 2017  |  Blog

In the Southern Carpathians, Rewilding Europe’s bison rangers are playing a key role in the success of our reintroduction project.

New bison boost in the Southern Carpathians

April 28, 2017  |  News

The spectacular sight of Europe’s largest land animal running wild  is set to become more common in Romania’s Țarcu Mountains. After a long journey from the Avesta Reserve in Sweden, a group of nine European bison arrived at Rewilding Europe’s Southern Carpathians rewilding area on April 22 and 23. The group will eventually join free-roaming animals that have been released here over successive years since 2014.

WWF Netherlands to continue supporting Rewilding Europe

March 14, 2017  |  News

We are delighted to announce that the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Netherlands will continue supporting Rewilding Europe for another three-year period. This generic support will help us to deliver on our objectives, both at a central level, and in individual rewilding areas.

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