Tag: rewilding rivers

The power rangers of Poiana Ruscă

July 24, 2018  |  Blog

As rangers at the second European bison reintroduction site in the Southern Carpathians rewilding area, the efforts of Marius Gârdean and Roland Hauptman have been vital to the success of the project. On the occasion of World Ranger Day, Rewilding Europe caught up with them to thank them for their ongoing support, and to learn more about their lives and work.

Rewilding Europe joins Dam Removal Europe

July 11, 2018  |  News

Complementing river restoration work in its own operational areas, Rewilding Europe will collaborate with partner organisations in this new initiative to campaign for and support the removal of dams from European waterways. In this way we can scale up river rewilding across the continent.

European Rewilding Network welcomes projects from the UK, Lithuania & Denmark

December 13, 2017  |  News

Rewilding Europe is delighted to welcome four new members – one from Denmark, one from Lithuania, and two from the United Kingdom – to the European Rewilding Network (ERN). Displaying impressive growth since its launch at WILD10 in Salamanca in October 2013, the network now comprises 61 members from 26 European countries (including Rewilding Europe’s eight operational areas).

Rewilding stories: A continent in motion

June 19, 2017  |  Blog

Rewilding Europe is creating space for natural processes like forest regeneration, free flowing rivers, herbivory and carnivory to impact ecosystems. Across the continent, the interaction of these processes leads to constantly evolving landscapes rather than fixed habitats. A forest today can be a grassland over time, and vice versa. Understanding this dynamic is the key to preserving Europe’s rich biodiversity.

European Rewilding Network welcomes three new members!

November 9, 2016  |  News

Rewilding Europe warmly welcomes three new members into the European Rewilding Network (ERN). These new members are rewilding initiatives from Ukraine, Finland and Portugal. Since its launch at WILD10 in Salamanca in October 2013, the network doubled in size and is now counting 42 members from 22 European countries and eight areas of Rewilding Europe.

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