Tag: Rewilding Portugal

Roe deer surveys support wolf comeback in Western Iberia

December 10, 2019  |  News

The surveying work will bring a greater understanding of the distribution and abundance of roe deer populations in Portugal’s Greater Côa Valley (part of the Western Iberia rewilding area). This is the first step in increasing the availability of natural prey for Iberian wolves.

Griffon vulture tagging in Western Iberia to reveal feeding behaviour

July 18, 2019  |  News

A group of five griffon vultures has been tagged with GPS transmitters in the Western Iberia rewilding area in northern Portugal. By shedding new light on the birds’ foraging behaviour, the data collected from the transmitters will support the restoration of natural food chains in the area and underpin the continued comeback of this magnificent species.

Scaling up rewilding in Portugal

April 16, 2019  |  Blog

Exciting times for rewilding in Western Iberia, with a new five-year initiative combining two, complementary project funds – “LIFEWolFlux” and “Scaling Up Rewilding in Western Iberia” – starting at the beginning of this year.

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