Tag: Rewilding Portugal

Portugal’s rewilding rangers

February 17, 2022  |  Blog

On the constant lookout for environmental crime and damaging wildfire, Rewilding Portugal’s surveillance team travel thousands of kilometres every year to protect wolves and other wildlife south of the Douro River.

New documentary to enhance Portuguese rewilding movement

November 26, 2020  |  News

A new documentary “Rewilding: a new path for nature in Portugal” showcases the rewilding efforts of the Rewilding Portugal team and partners. By educating and inspiring viewers, it aims to take rewilding in Portugal to the next level.

Roe deer surveys support wolf comeback in Western Iberia

December 10, 2019  |  News

The surveying work will bring a greater understanding of the distribution and abundance of roe deer populations in Portugal’s Greater Côa Valley (part of the Western Iberia rewilding area). This is the first step in increasing the availability of natural prey for Iberian wolves.

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