Tag: release

European bison arrive in Portugal for the first time

May 31, 2024  |  News

A herd of eight European bison have just arrived at the Herdade do Vale Feitoso Estate in Portugal. Managed in cooperation with the Rewilding Portugal team, they will enhance carbon sequestration, boost biodiversity, and support the growth of nature-based tourism.

Second group of cinereous vultures released in the Rhodope Mountains

December 1, 2023  |  News

A second group of cinereous vultures has just been released in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria. Reinforcing the population already present in the area, the birds will strengthen the local circle of life, help to restore wild nature, and deliver benefits to communities in and around the rewilding landscape.

More Przewalski’s horses set to roam free in the Iberian Highlands

November 30, 2023  |  News

A herd of 16 Przewalski’s horses has just arrived in the Iberian Highlands rewilding landscape in Spain. Together with 10 horses transported to the area in May, they will soon be released to roam free across 5,700 hectares of public forest, delivering benefits for wild nature and local communities.

Scottish wildcats released with support of European Wildlife Comeback Fund

October 26, 2023  |  News

With Scottish wildcats now critically endangered, a grant from the European Wildlife Comeback Fund was used to support a pioneering release of captive-bred wildcats in the Cairngorms National Park this summer. This is hopefully the first step towards restoring a viable population of these charismatic and ecologically important animals in Scotland.

Ongoing cinereous vulture comeback offers multiple benefits in the Iberian Highlands

August 2, 2023  |  News

Seven cinereous vultures have just been released in the Iberian Highlands rewilding landscape in Spain, as part of an ongoing reintroduction programme. The restoration of this iconic and ecologically important bird as a breeding species will enhance the health of the landscape, support economic growth, and help to prevent the outbreak of disease.

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