Tag: Oder Delta

Rewilding efforts breathe new life into Oder Delta waterways

July 27, 2024  |  News

In the Oder Delta, which is shared between Germany and Poland, many rivers have been negatively impacted by human intervention. Recent river restoration work carried out by the local rewilding team and partners on the Polish side is reinvigorating two tributaries of the Ina River, with benefits for nature and people.

Survey reveals positive attitudes towards rewilding in the Oder Delta

February 8, 2024  |  News

An extensive new study carried out in Germany and Poland has revealed widespread societal support for rewilding and the return of wildlife in the Oder Delta. It also highlighted the need to continue promoting the benefits of nature recovery and the restoration of natural processes – particularly to people living in and around the delta.

Oder Delta rewilding team continue efforts to restore the Ina River

November 16, 2023  |  News

Healthy, free-flowing rivers governed by natural processes offer a wide range of benefits for wildlife and people. This autumn, the Oder Delta rewilding team and local partners carried out a range of measures to restore the Ina River – an important tributary of the Oder River.

Peat power: Rewilding in the Oder Delta

September 5, 2023  |  Blog

From climate change mitigation to biodiversity enhancement, peatland rewilding offers a wide range of benefits. We caught up with Peter Torkler, Rewilding Oder Delta team leader (Poland), to discuss peatland restoration on the Polish side of the Oder Delta.

Oder River poisoning: Call for investigation and restoration

August 23, 2022  |  News

An environmental catastrophe is playing out on the Oder River. As part of a cross-border NGO alliance, the Rewilding Oder Delta team is calling for rigorous investigation, a clear focus on the river’s full-scale restoration, and the abandonment of all harmful hydro-engineering plans.

New study to evaluate rewilding in Oder Delta

February 21, 2022  |  News

How can rewilding enhance nature and the benefits it provides, as well as generate stakeholder support? By answering these questions, a new study in the Oder Delta could lead to the scaling up of rewilding in Germany.

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