Tag: nature based tourism

Rewilding Stories: People Power

September 4, 2018  |  Blog

Rewilding isn’t only about nature – it’s about people too. The support, trust and passion of local communities will always be vital to the success of rewilding projects, regardless of scale and location. Gaining that support means ensuring that people can earn a fair living from the wild, and reaching out and building relationships through effective stakeholder communication.

New guiding handbook published in the Oder Delta

January 18, 2018  |  News

Designed to help local nature guides provide and benefit from a professional service, the publication is part of ongoing efforts to develop sustainable, nature-based tourism in and around the Oder Delta rewilding area.

The compromises of rewilding

September 27, 2017  |  Blog

Master’s student Julia Rouet-Leduc travelled to the Lapland rewilding area in April to conduct research for her thesis. She drew some interesting conclusions.

New bison boost in the Southern Carpathians

April 28, 2017  |  News

The spectacular sight of Europe’s largest land animal running wild  is set to become more common in Romania’s Țarcu Mountains. After a long journey from the Avesta Reserve in Sweden, a group of nine European bison arrived at Rewilding Europe’s Southern Carpathians rewilding area on April 22 and 23. The group will eventually join free-roaming animals that have been released here over successive years since 2014.

Reaching out in the Rhodopes

March 24, 2017  |  LIFE Vultures news, News

Last week more than 30 participants took part in a second nature and vulture-related tourism development training session in the Eastern Rhodopes, organised by Rewilding Rhodopes and the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds.

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