Tag: natural grazing

New study shows minimising wildfire risk requires a more holistic approach

November 14, 2024  |  News

Climate change is increasing the risk of catastrophic wildfire outbreaks in Mediterranean regions. A new study, based on the Greater Côa Valley in Portugal, shows that adopting a holistic approach to landscape management could be the most effective way of preventing such outbreaks, with rewilding playing a key role.

Natural grazing facility supports Exmoor pony translocation

October 16, 2024  |  News

Rewilding Europe’s Natural Grazing Facility works to scale up natural grazing by wild and semi-wild herbivores in European landscapes. The first translocation organised through the facility has seen a group of Exmoor ponies released in Denmark’s Saksfjed Vildmark rewilding initiative.

New publication presents latest insights on rewilding horses in Europe

December 26, 2023  |  News

Alongside other free-roaming herbivores, wild horses can play an essential ecological role in European landscapes and deliver diverse benefits to people. A new and updated guide from Rewilding Europe will help to scale up European horse rewilding by providing the latest scientific and practical information.

Pioneering new facility to help scale up natural grazing across Europe

December 6, 2023  |  News

Rewilding Europe has just launched the Natural Grazing Facility. By connecting demand and supply of herbivores among organisations dedicated to rewilding principles, its aim is to scale up natural grazing in European landscapes. This will deliver a wide range of benefits to nature and people.

Rewilding in the Rhodope Mountains: the subsidy challenge

November 24, 2023  |  Blog

In the Rhodope Mountains, agricultural subsidies are promoting the intensification of grazing, which is negatively impacting nature and local rewilding efforts. The local team are determined to keep advocating rural policies that allow people to make better use of the socio-economic benefits that rewilding can provide.

Western Europe’s first free-roaming herd of Przewalski’s horses to enhance Iberian Highland rewilding

July 8, 2023  |  News

A herd of 10 Przewalski’s horses – the last truly wild horse – has been released in the Iberian Highlands rewilding landscape in Spain. Having arrived in May, the animals will soon roam free across an extensive area, where they will help to reduce the risk of wildfire, enhance biodiversity, boost nature-based tourism and environmental education, and improve the conservation status of this endangered subspecies.

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