Tag: European Rewilding Network

European Rewilding Network presented at the European Land Stewardship Congress

November 19, 2014  |  News

From 5 to 8 November 2014, the very first European Land Stewardship Congress took place in Barcelona, Spain.  More than 250 persons had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities from technical workshops to social activities. One of the presentations was about the European Rewilding Network of Rewilding Europe.

A very successful first year for the European Rewilding Network

October 9, 2014  |  News

The European Rewilding Network was officially launched on October 9, 2013, at the World Wilderness Congress in Salamanca, Spain. Since then, it has grown to 34 members from 18 countries. Three member-events covering specific rewilding subjects took place and this year one more is planned for November.

European Rewilding Network now consists of 34 members in 18 countries

August 19, 2014  |  News

Four more rewilding initiatives have recently been welcomed as new members of the European Rewilding Network. This brings to 34 the number of members who have joined forces to exchange experiences and inspire each other. The network now also encourages an even wider range of rewilding-related initiatives to join. Its third experience-sharing event for members is being planned for September.

European bison released in the Vanatori Neamt Nature Park, Romania

August 8, 2014  |  News

On a parallel with the efforts by Rewilding Europe and its partners to bring back European bison to the Tarcu Mounatins, other great work is being done in Romania for this endangered species. For example in the Vanatori Neamt Nature Park, which is also a member of the European Rewilding Network.

First webinar held within the European Rewilding Network

April 15, 2014  |  News

The first experience sharing event organised by the European Rewilding Network took place on April 10. During the webinar, which as its name implies is a web-based seminar, many valuable experiences from rewilding were exchanged between members of the Network.

European Rewilding Network expanding, exchanging experiences

March 3, 2014  |  News

A further ten inspiring rewilding initiatives have joined the European Rewilding Network since the official launch of the network at WILD10 in Spain, on October 9, 2013. Right now, the European Rewilding Network comprises of thirty members and a number of further local initiatives in several more countries are lining up to join. Members have also begun to exchange expertise and best practices on rewilding issues directly with each other. The first experience-sharing event in which all members are warmly welcomed to participate will take place in April.

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