Tag: European bison

Nature in Focus

April 30, 2018  |  Blog

For Romanian photographer Dan Dinu, bringing youngsters closer to nature is all about 10 special words.

The European Rewilding Network welcomes three new members

November 7, 2017  |  News

Rewilding Europe is delighted to welcome three new members (from Scotland, Spain and Poland) to the European Rewilding Network. Displaying impressive growth since its launch at WILD10 in Salamanca in October 2013, the network now comprises 57 members from 25 European countries (including Rewilding Europe’s eight operational areas).

Banking on wildlife

October 5, 2017  |  News

Rewilding Europe’s European Wildife Bank is a pioneering way to restore natural numbers of large herbivores across Europe.

Learning from the Lebus bison incident

September 23, 2017  |  News

The recent shooting of a wild European bison in eastern Germany highlights the urgent need to plan more carefully for wildlife comeback across our continent.

On the bison beat

September 13, 2017  |  Blog

In the Southern Carpathians, Rewilding Europe’s bison rangers are playing a key role in the success of our reintroduction project.

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