Tag: circle of life

Legalised carcass deposition promises brighter future for Greater Côa Valley vultures

March 21, 2025  |  News

With the help of Rewilding Portugal, the first landowner in Portugal’s Greater Côa Valley was recently granted a license to leave livestock carcasses in the field. This milestone moment for vulture conservation will hopefully lead to the award of many more licenses, amplifying the benefits for these iconic scavengers, local farmers, and society.

European Wildlife Comeback Fund boosts pine marten recovery in the UK

November 29, 2024  |  News

Rewilding Europe’s European Wildlife Comeback Fund has supported the release of 13 pine martens in northwest England, helping to advance the recovery of this ecologically important animal in the UK. The fund has disbursed around 540,000 euros in support of 12 wildlife releases so far this year, with more grants in the pipeline.

Five more eagle owls released in the Danube Delta

October 18, 2024  |  News

Five eagle owls have just been released in the Danube Delta rewilding landscape in Ukraine, as part of an ongoing reintroduction programme. The releases represent a significant step forward in the programme, which aims to re-establish a viable population of the birds in the landscape and enhance the overall health of the delta ecosystem.

More hamsters released on the Tarutino Steppe

September 25, 2024  |  News

The Rewilding Ukraine team are engaged in long-term efforts to create a wilder and healthier Tarutino Steppe. The ongoing reintroduction of European hamsters will help to restore local food webs, enhance biodiversity, and boost nature-based tourism.

New feeding station to support vulture comeback in the Central Apennines

February 29, 2024  |  News

The Rewilding Apennines team have begun operating a supplementary feeding station for griffon vultures in the Monte Velino Nature Reserve. By ensuring a safe supply of food for the birds, the station will support the recovery of the species, and is a step towards realising a landscape where vultures are sustained entirely by the carcasses of wild animals.

New documentary premiere spreads message of hope in the Rhodope Mountains

November 20, 2023  |  News

“The Circle of Life in the Rhodope Mountains”, a 12-minute documentary by Emmanuel Rondeau, tells the hopeful story of rewilding in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria. At the beginning of November, a well-attended premiere in the town of Kardzhali helped the local rewilding team engage a wide range of stakeholders.

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