New study highlights the socio-economic value of Marsican brown bears in the Central Apennines
A new study has confirmed that Marsican brown bears play a valuable role promoting the Central Apennines as nature-based tourism destination.
A new study has confirmed that Marsican brown bears play a valuable role promoting the Central Apennines as nature-based tourism destination.
A diverse event calendar saw the Rewilding Apennines team engage with a wide range of people and local communities in 2022, helping to promote rewilding. Their efforts are driving the rewilding movement forward, with real momentum going into 2023.
Italian and Greek partners in the LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors initiative recently visited Canada to learn about Bear Smart Communities in British Columbia. The insights acquired and collaborative ethos developed will enhance rewilding efforts.
Griffon vulture numbers are gradually increasing in the Central Apennines. The local rewilding team are now working hard to support the recovery of this iconic and ecologically important species.
Shot by Bruno D’Amicis and Umberto Esposito, the short film “Central Apennines, A Rewilding Journey” is a beautiful vignette of rewilding in the Central Apennines of Italy. Boosting outreach in the local community, it will also help to promote rewilding to a wider audience.
Four Apennine chamois were released into the Sirente Velino Regional Park in mid-May. This will enhance the existing free-roaming population and boost efforts to secure a long-term future for this iconic species.
Coordinated by Rewilding Europe, 12 partners from Italy and Greece are kicking off a new EU-funded programme that will support living harmoniously with bears in Europe. The LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors initiative will support the development of a network of communities in coexistence corridors.
Eight participants in Rewilding Europe’s Rewilding Training Tourism programme have successfully completed the final stage of their training. They are now well placed to develop their own rewilding-related business.
The griffon vulture is an iconic and ecologically important species in the Central Apennines of Italy. Aided by new funding, the local rewilding team are working hard to support population growth.
Funding from Fondation Ensemble will support the comeback of griffon vultures, Apennine chamois and white-clawed crayfish in the Central Apennines rewilding landscape. This contributes to the area’s overall rewilding vision and is good news for nature and people.