Tag: Bison

Yellowstone Park: with more bison older forests?

October 27, 2014  |  Blog

Between 25 September and 4 October 2014, Frans Schepers and Wouter Helmer visited Wyoming and Montana in the United States, where they were invited to speak about Rewilding Europe at the 2014 Annual Gathering of the American Prairie Reserve. Apart from the American Prairie Reserve, they also visited Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park. This is a first out of a series of blogs, presenting some of the impressions of their visit.

Challenging times for the new bison herd in the Southern Carpathians

October 8, 2014  |  News

Three out of the 17 European bison that were reintroduced to the Southern Carpathians last May, have died over the last weeks. Rewilding Europe and WWF-Romania are now together with the National Veterinary Authority in Bucharest carefully studying what the reasons for this very sad news might be.

With freedom to roam – meeting the hairy beasts of Drawsko

February 13, 2014  |  Blog

A big herd of dozens of bison suddenly crosses the forest track ahead of us at full speed. A second or two later the large animals are already gone, impressingly fast and agile as they are. Well, I guess that was it. A bit of a disappointment of course, but at least we did see them. Living completely wild here as they do, I did expect them to be pretty shy and wary. Even though I had hoped to be able to photograph them… Luckily, I was soon to learn a few more things about bison.

Bison in the Bulgarian Rhodope mountains: ups and downs

January 6, 2014  |  Blog

A fresh sunny autumn morning in the late October of 2013 in the Studen Kladenets (Cold Well) Game Reserve in South-East Bulgaria. The colours of the trees are like the design of blankets made by the locals in this region: from green through yellow and reddish to brown. The morning haze is slowly moving from the top of the Yumruk Skala (Feast Rock) down to the smaller hills. The narrow asphalt road along the recently fenced area of a few hectares is almost completely blocked by cars and people.

Local people and bison

July 11, 2013  |  Blog

“A little to the left,” says Adrian. “No, stop!” screams the other Adrian. Petru, the Major of the county of Armensis, steps on the brake — just in time!

Study prepares for bison reintroduction in Southern Carpathians

May 31, 2013  |  News

The results of a bison feasibility study in the Southern Carpathians show that most habitats in the area are very suitable for the bison. The basins of Motrul Sec, Bahna and Sebes rivers each offer over 8000 hectares for the animals – an area big enough for the minimal population patch size for the European bison.

Bison round-up

December 3, 2012  |  Blog

Sometimes I feel like a modern cowboy, or as someone once told me: a bison boy. This November, I ‘rounded-up’ two bison in Switzerland and transported them in my big trailer to Belgium; one of many small actions, but part of a much larger operation. Rewilding Europe has an ambitious plan to have breeding herds of bison grazing in several of its rewilding areas in eight years. But where do all these bison come from?

Biggest bison transport ever

October 9, 2012  |  Blog

The bison that were released in June in the Cantabrian Mountains in Northern Spain are adapting very well to their new surroundings. They are gaining weight and building up fat reserves for the coming winter. They seem to browse a lot in their new surroundings and cope well with the warmer climate.

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