Tag: Art

Art connects people with rewilding in the Central Apennines

February 24, 2025  |  News

In the Central Apennines rewilding landscape in Italy, innovative artistic initiatives are engaging a broader local audience in critical issues such as wildlife poisoning and human-wildlife coexistence. Changing mindsets and inspiring action will support the scaling up of rewilding and the positive impact it delivers.

Pioneering art festival builds engagement in the Greater Côa Valley

August 8, 2023  |  News

Organised and managed by the Rewilding Portugal team, the “CÔA – Corridor of Arts” Festival united art, nature and culture in the Greater Côa Valley this July. Attracting thousands of visitors, the event helped the team establish and deepen connections with a wide range of stakeholders and promote the benefits of rewilding to a huge audience.

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