Search results for: southern carpathians bison

Rewilding stories: A continent in motion

June 19, 2017  |  Blog

Southern Carpathians rewilding area, Romania. Staffan Widstrand / Rewilding Europe A lack of natural herbivores means the continent’s last remote areas have largely become covered by trees, while the few…

Making the Connection

September 20, 2018  |  News

…are focusing on the development of wildlife corridors between national parks, regional parks and biosphere reserves. In the Southern Carpathians rewilding area in Romania, Rewilding Europe and WWF Romania are…

Rewilding Europe Travel Club – July 2014 draw

June 24, 2014  |  News

Bison watchers in the Tarcu mountains nature reserve, Natura 2000 area, Southern Carpathians, Romania. The release was actioned by Rewilding Europe and WWF Romania in May 2014. Staffan Widstrand /…

What a year it has been!

January 3, 2018  |  Blog

…to 732 animals with 84 bison (35 free ranging), 348 horses and 300 Tauros, while 24 red deer and 84 fallow deer were translocated into Southern Carpathians, Danube Delta and…

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