Search results for: natural grazing

Bringing together the Rewilding movement

August 17, 2013  |  Blog

…from the reintroduction of large wildlife or key species (e.g. beaver) to experiences of specific wildlife watching and photographing in the wilderness; or restoration of natural grazing with Konik horses,…

Two foals born in Retuerta herd

April 4, 2013  |  News

…of natural grazing. The transport of the Retuertas from Doñana Biological Station to Campanarios de Azaba is part of the cross-border Rewilding Europe project Western Iberia. The Western Iberia program…

Danube Delta

April 27, 2011  |  Blog

…can be transformed into an even more natural area with natural processes and ample room for people and nature. (*Phragmites australis are found on every continent except Antarctica and may…

Wild ideas

June 18, 2012  |  Blog

…millions of hectares of abandoned land across Europe, where small farmers no longer till the soil or their cattle graze the land? In come the rewilders! With natural grazing as…

Wildlife returns to Western Iberia

May 8, 2012  |  News

…make good use of abandoned land, including the development of conservation enterprises, reducing the impact of forest fires through establishing natural grazing systems with wild herbivores, etc. Through a member…

If the Finnish can do it…

October 24, 2011  |  Blog

…this will be continued – the next one will be in The Netherlands on technical rewilding aspects (natural grazing, reintroductions, wildlife management etc.), combined with marketing and communication. It was…

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