Search results for: natural grazing

Something old, something new

May 19, 2017  |  News

…can play a vital grazing role, opening up landscapes and enhancing biodiversity. To this effect, Rewilding Europe now supports natural grazing in 16 different pilot areas across nine countries. In…

The Grazing Fire Brigade

August 10, 2011  |  Blog

grazing animals in open spaces and strips in the forest, act as natural firebreaks. This role of large herbivores was taken over during the last millennia by domesticated livestock. Until…

New study to evaluate rewilding in Oder Delta

February 21, 2022  |  News

…a number of key questions. How can rewilding protect and enhance wild nature through activities such as river restoration, human-wildlife coexistence, and nature-based solutions such as natural grazing? What socio-economic…

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