Rewilding movement

UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration
Rewilding Europe is a proud supporting partner of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The UN Decade runs from 2021 through 2030, which is also the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals and the timeline scientists have identified as the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change.
It aims to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean, for the benefit of people and nature. As a supporting partner, Rewilding Europe will continue its efforts to promote and accelerate the restoration of ecosystems through rewilding, while helping others to do the same.

Global Rewilding Alliance
As part of the planning for WILD11 (11th World Wilderness Congress), many collaborators worked to create the Global Charter for Rewilding the Earth, which is the foundation for the Global Rewilding Alliance.
The Global Rewilding Alliance consists of more than 100 Practitioner and Messenger organisations. Collectively these organisations work with more than 3,200 partners consisting of local communities, landowners, Indigenous Peoples, land trusts, NGOs, governments, corporations, institutions, philanthropists, private banks, and multinational development banks. Alliance members represent some of the world’s largest ecosystem conservation and restoration initiatives.
European Policy

Call to Action
Recognising the numerous benefits that rewilding provides, Rewilding Europe and 14 European partners are calling for a wide range of actors to join us in working towards a wilder Europe – from citizens, policy makers and river managers right through to financiers, foresters and scientists.
This “Call to Action for a Wilder Europe” is one of the outcomes of a meeting of leading rewilding practitioners, held in Spain in 2019. It has been endorsed by more than 60 organisations.

Policy papers
Rewilding Europe works with a range of partners at a European level to influence policy. Over the last few years we worked in a coalition with WWF-European Policy Office, Birdlife Europe and Central Asia, the European Environmental Bureau, the Institute for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) at the University of Leipzig to strengthen the EU restoration agenda.
The coalition partners completed work on producing a green ecological infrastructure map for Europe based on Europe’s rewilding potential and designed to link the existing Natura 2000 sites into a more coherent ecological network. Linked to this work, the coalition has produced several policy papers calling on the commission to link ecological restoration to rewilding.