Wild Sweden
Saving Sweden's nature & wildlife through nature based tourism
WildSweden is a small nature based tourism company that offers nature experiences that support wildlife conservation and at the same time creates economic opportunities for the local society. Since 2003 WildSweden has hosted people from all over the world to experience some of Sweden’s most remarkable nature and wildlife. Encounters with wild animals such as moose, wolves, beavers and bears is a way to connect people with nature, to educate people about the importance of biodiversity and a healthy ecosystem, and to inspire people to take action to save the wildlife and the environment.
WildSweden is often used as a role model in the sustainable tourism industry. To promote the development of more ecotourism they are actively sharing experiences with other business through consulting, presentations and workshops and are active in numerous ecotourism projects throughout Sweden and Norway. Since 2005 WildSweden held presentations and workshops at more than 100 locations, now giving about 20 workshops each year. Their development model “Ekoturism i praktiken” was awarded Swedish Rural Development Project of the year in 2010.

WildSweden is a small nature based tourism company that offers nature experiences that support wildlife conservation and at the same time creates economic opportunities for the local society. Since 2003 WildSweden has hosted people from all over the world to experience some of Sweden’s most remarkable nature and wildlife. Encounters with wild animals such as moose, wolves, beavers and bears is a way to connect people with nature, to educate people about the importance of biodiversity and a healthy ecosystem, and to inspire people to take action to save the wildlife and the environment.
WildSweden is often used as a role model in the sustainable tourism industry. To promote the development of more ecotourism they are actively sharing experiences with other business through consulting, presentations and workshops and are active in numerous ecotourism projects throughout Sweden and Norway. Since 2005 WildSweden held presentations and workshops at more than 100 locations, now giving about 20 workshops each year. Their development model “Ekoturism i praktiken” was awarded Swedish Rural Development Project of the year in 2010.