European Rewilding Network

Salty westcoastal rewilding

Follow the sturgeon into the sea

Jon. A. Juarez
Jon. A. Juarez
Jon. A. Juarez
Jon. A. Juarez

With the sturgeon case as a base, we are now moving into rewilding. The project has a number of engaged partners such as University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg Museum of Natural History, Aqurium Havets Hus, Aquarium Universeum, Swedish University for Agricultural Science, Species Databank and the river council of Göta Älv. We are re-introducing sturgeons in Sweden and this is the first time in 102 years that this is happening to bring back a species. We are aiming towards the west coast and are restoring eelgrass meadows as well as monitoring the effects. We are releasing freshwater pearl mussel into the wild and we are working towards re gaining the identity of the river, from a forgotten ditch to a fantastic resourse. Also the coastal areas are a bit forgotten.

Project: Salty westcoastal rewilding
Region: Gothenburg, Sweden
Type of project: Supporting wildlife comeback
Aim and vision: The project aims at restoring a vital population of sturgeons in the river of Göta Älv in the westcoast of Sweden.
This geographical area was chosen since there are juvenile sturgeons preserved at the Museum of Natural History in Gothenburg and this serves as a proof for spawning in the river. This project had a long period of background work with application for releasing fish, and that took a little over one year. Once we got the approval, the work was very fast and the first fishes was released May and June 2024. They were all tagged with acoustic telemetry and this monitoring method shows a large survival rate and also that the animals are moving very much in the system. We are aiming at releasing more fishes during the coming years.
Other activities: Community involved, High-impact communications, Research
Results you aim to accomplish in 10 years from now on: Get sturgeons back in this area. Follow it carefully with science, since this gains a lot of attention from media (since this is the first time this is done in Sweden). Re plant eelgrass meadows and create a no-take-zone for fishing. Monitor eelgrass meadows with science based methods. Lift awareness about the river and its potential as well as historical importance. Initiate larger restoring projects to increase the river ecology. Adopt a source to sea perspective where we work from wetlands to the coast with species reintroductions as well as restoring ecosystems. Gaining balance between species in the coastal area. Get the (very large) hydropower plant to adopt an eco-mode. Show alternative ways for fishing (cages instead of trawls).
Results so far: Feasibility study of the sturgeon reintroduction program is made. Approval for release from the County administration board. This is the very first sturgeon release project in Sweden and it is very rare to do such a great nature reintroduction program. Last time was beaver in 1922, so this is gaining a lot of attention. Secured the fish and are planning to transport them to Sweden 24 of April and release them into the wild 18 of June. Besides the sturgeon, we are working hard with stream ecology such as wetland creation and restoration after timber floating. Also running Sweden's only farm for Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and are releasing them into the wild in suitable habitats around the Göta Älv and the marine coast area. A couple of eelgrass meadows are being planted in the marine coast (Zostera marina) and this is also part of the ongoing rewilding movement. Another ongoing activity is the Aquarium Havets Hus, that are releasing the small shark Scyliorhinus canicula into the wild. There are several things happening alongside each others but they have not yet been compiled under the umbrella of Rewilding. Both the small shark and the Atlantic sturgeon will be monitored via acoustic telemetry.
Inspirational value: Sturgeons are gone from all the Nordic countries since a century this is the only river where a re introduction programme has started. Sweden is very restrictive towards moving species and this is the third time that a species has been re introduced in one hundred years, so it is a very rare occasion.
Experience you would like to share: High expertise in freshwater pearl mussel farming and working with releasing this species. High expertise in eelgrass planting as well as the current and main focus of the Atlantic sturgeon and its life cycle.
Experience you would like to gain: .
Start year
Area type
Marine: coastal, River
Natural process
River dynamics
Flagship species
Jon. A. Juarez
Jon. A. Juarez
Jon. A. Juarez
Jon. A. Juarez

With the sturgeon case as a base, we are now moving into rewilding. The project has a number of engaged partners such as University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg Museum of Natural History, Aqurium Havets Hus, Aquarium Universeum, Swedish University for Agricultural Science, Species Databank and the river council of Göta Älv. We are re-introducing sturgeons in Sweden and this is the first time in 102 years that this is happening to bring back a species. We are aiming towards the west coast and are restoring eelgrass meadows as well as monitoring the effects. We are releasing freshwater pearl mussel into the wild and we are working towards re gaining the identity of the river, from a forgotten ditch to a fantastic resourse. Also the coastal areas are a bit forgotten.

Start year
Area type
Marine: coastal, River
Natural process
River dynamics
Flagship species
Project: Salty westcoastal rewilding
Region: Gothenburg, Sweden
Type of project: Supporting wildlife comeback
Aim and vision: The project aims at restoring a vital population of sturgeons in the river of Göta Älv in the westcoast of Sweden.
This geographical area was chosen since there are juvenile sturgeons preserved at the Museum of Natural History in Gothenburg and this serves as a proof for spawning in the river. This project had a long period of background work with application for releasing fish, and that took a little over one year. Once we got the approval, the work was very fast and the first fishes was released May and June 2024. They were all tagged with acoustic telemetry and this monitoring method shows a large survival rate and also that the animals are moving very much in the system. We are aiming at releasing more fishes during the coming years.
Other activities: Community involved, High-impact communications, Research
Results you aim to accomplish in 10 years from now on: Get sturgeons back in this area. Follow it carefully with science, since this gains a lot of attention from media (since this is the first time this is done in Sweden). Re plant eelgrass meadows and create a no-take-zone for fishing. Monitor eelgrass meadows with science based methods. Lift awareness about the river and its potential as well as historical importance. Initiate larger restoring projects to increase the river ecology. Adopt a source to sea perspective where we work from wetlands to the coast with species reintroductions as well as restoring ecosystems. Gaining balance between species in the coastal area. Get the (very large) hydropower plant to adopt an eco-mode. Show alternative ways for fishing (cages instead of trawls).
Results so far: Feasibility study of the sturgeon reintroduction program is made. Approval for release from the County administration board. This is the very first sturgeon release project in Sweden and it is very rare to do such a great nature reintroduction program. Last time was beaver in 1922, so this is gaining a lot of attention. Secured the fish and are planning to transport them to Sweden 24 of April and release them into the wild 18 of June. Besides the sturgeon, we are working hard with stream ecology such as wetland creation and restoration after timber floating. Also running Sweden's only farm for Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and are releasing them into the wild in suitable habitats around the Göta Älv and the marine coast area. A couple of eelgrass meadows are being planted in the marine coast (Zostera marina) and this is also part of the ongoing rewilding movement. Another ongoing activity is the Aquarium Havets Hus, that are releasing the small shark Scyliorhinus canicula into the wild. There are several things happening alongside each others but they have not yet been compiled under the umbrella of Rewilding. Both the small shark and the Atlantic sturgeon will be monitored via acoustic telemetry.
Inspirational value: Sturgeons are gone from all the Nordic countries since a century this is the only river where a re introduction programme has started. Sweden is very restrictive towards moving species and this is the third time that a species has been re introduced in one hundred years, so it is a very rare occasion.
Experience you would like to share: High expertise in freshwater pearl mussel farming and working with releasing this species. High expertise in eelgrass planting as well as the current and main focus of the Atlantic sturgeon and its life cycle.
Experience you would like to gain: .
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