Reintroducing the Polesskaya horse
Restoration of ecosystems of floodplain meadows
The Polesskaya horse is the oldest population in Europe bred in the Pripyat River basin, it is assumed to be descended from the forest tarpan. The Polesskaya aboriginal horse population has long been used in the southern regions of Belarus. The population is perfectly adapted to local conditions – very high humidity, an abundance of blood-sucking insects, and poor and poorly nutritious food. The horses are healthy, reproduce successfully and live a long life, while doing any kind of harness (draught) or horse-riding work in arduous conditions. Due to the active intensification, including mechanization, of agriculture and the drive for high production indicators in animal husbandry, some local breeds traditionally used by the population appeared to be on the verge of extinction. As a result, the Polesskaya horse population has now reached its critical status of “disappearing” due to a rapid decrease in its number. All these years, no targeted breeding work was carried out, but the horse population has survived to our times.
The main project goal is to return the Polesskaya horse population to the conditions of its free habitation with limited human interference and ensuring not only the breeding and conservation of the local breed, but also the restoration of ecosystems of floodplain meadows prone to overgrowing. The Polesskaya horse is unpretentious, capable of independent existence (in cases where feeding in winter time is provided), and this makes it a promising breed for resettlement with a view of restoring and maintaining such ecosystems ― a habitat of unique plant and endangered animal species. The Republican Biological Nature Reserve “Sporovsky” (Beryoza District, Brest Region) is considered to be the place for the Polesskaya horse introduction into natural areas.
Realize the developed strategy for the operation of an initiative group on the conservation and sustainable use of local aboriginal animal populations in agricultural, nature conservation, ecological, cultural, educational and agritourism activities on constant base.
1. State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”, Minsk (city);
3. Republican Biological Nature Reserve “Sporovsky”, Brest Region;
4. Stud farm OJSC “Polesskaya Niva”, Brest Region;
5. Municipal Agricultural Unitary Enterprise "Gorodoksky", Brest Region.
6. Belarusian State Association for Livestock Breeding “BELPLEMZHIVOBEDINENIE” of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus;
7. Volunteers represent private horse owners and former horse breeders.
We would like to share our knowledge and experience of the use of the DNA barcoding technique to monitor the genetic diversity of wild species, as well as the importance of that technique for research into plant and animal diversity in a changing climate.

The Polesskaya horse is the oldest population in Europe bred in the Pripyat River basin, it is assumed to be descended from the forest tarpan. The Polesskaya aboriginal horse population has long been used in the southern regions of Belarus. The population is perfectly adapted to local conditions – very high humidity, an abundance of blood-sucking insects, and poor and poorly nutritious food. The horses are healthy, reproduce successfully and live a long life, while doing any kind of harness (draught) or horse-riding work in arduous conditions. Due to the active intensification, including mechanization, of agriculture and the drive for high production indicators in animal husbandry, some local breeds traditionally used by the population appeared to be on the verge of extinction. As a result, the Polesskaya horse population has now reached its critical status of “disappearing” due to a rapid decrease in its number. All these years, no targeted breeding work was carried out, but the horse population has survived to our times.
The main project goal is to return the Polesskaya horse population to the conditions of its free habitation with limited human interference and ensuring not only the breeding and conservation of the local breed, but also the restoration of ecosystems of floodplain meadows prone to overgrowing. The Polesskaya horse is unpretentious, capable of independent existence (in cases where feeding in winter time is provided), and this makes it a promising breed for resettlement with a view of restoring and maintaining such ecosystems ― a habitat of unique plant and endangered animal species. The Republican Biological Nature Reserve “Sporovsky” (Beryoza District, Brest Region) is considered to be the place for the Polesskaya horse introduction into natural areas.

Realize the developed strategy for the operation of an initiative group on the conservation and sustainable use of local aboriginal animal populations in agricultural, nature conservation, ecological, cultural, educational and agritourism activities on constant base.
1. State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”, Minsk (city);
3. Republican Biological Nature Reserve “Sporovsky”, Brest Region;
4. Stud farm OJSC “Polesskaya Niva”, Brest Region;
5. Municipal Agricultural Unitary Enterprise "Gorodoksky", Brest Region.
6. Belarusian State Association for Livestock Breeding “BELPLEMZHIVOBEDINENIE” of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus;
7. Volunteers represent private horse owners and former horse breeders.