European Rewilding Network
Oder Delta rewilding area
The Oder Delta rewilding area project aims to support the long-term comeback of its seven charismatic species, improve land use management, connect protected areas and help develop new economic models based on ecotourism and wildlife watching in partnership with landowners and local entrepreneurs.
Oder Delta rewilding area
Oder Delta, Poland & Germany
Habitat types:
Open water, river delta, coastal lagoons, reed beds, meadows, wetlands and riparian forests, inland dunes, peatlands, mixed forests
Keystone species:
white-tailed eagle, wolf, European bison
Fauna (mega) species present:
beaver, elk, Atlantic sturgeon and grey seal
Aim and vision:
The main aim for the fields of activities is to restore natural processes in the priority rewilding areas. Furthermore, we will establish a transboundary network of local wilderness guides, increase the number of herbivores and to continue remove dikes.
The Oder Delta has become a rich mosaic of large, wild ecosystems on land, freshwater and sea and is becoming a region where the return of nature creates new sources of income and pride through tourism in combination with some of the old traditions for the people who live here.
Uniqueness of the project:
The Oder Delta in the Baltic sea, situated between Poland and Germany, is part of the European Green Belt and located on one of the most important ecological crossroads in Europe. This area is a unique mosaic of large, wild ecosystems on land, freshwater and the sea.
Other activities:
Community involved, Eco tourism, Other, Recreational activities
Results so far:
Inspirational value:
Our team works in a region where the Iron Curtain divided East and West for decades. A mosaic of former military areas that were set aside from the public got accessible again. Those stretches of unique nature that benefited from this period are forming together with an existing network of protected areas a rich web of large, wild ecosystems.
Experience you would like to share:
River restoration measurements for migrating fish species, wetland restoration, and transboundary tourism network.
Experience you would like to gain:
Exchange with other teams on examples on long-term stakeholder involvement, such as landowners, local communities, fishermen. Exchange on re-wetting, flooding, dams. Enhancing local nature tourism facilities.

Germany, Poland
Start year
Size (ha)
Area type
Natural process
Flagship species
The Oder Delta rewilding area project aims to support the long-term comeback of its seven charismatic species, improve land use management, connect protected areas and help develop new economic models based on ecotourism and wildlife watching in partnership with landowners and local entrepreneurs.

Germany, Poland
Start year
Size (ha)
Area type
Natural process
Flagship species
Oder Delta rewilding area
Oder Delta, Poland & Germany
Habitat types:
Open water, river delta, coastal lagoons, reed beds, meadows, wetlands and riparian forests, inland dunes, peatlands, mixed forests
Keystone species:
white-tailed eagle, wolf, European bison
Fauna (mega) species present:
beaver, elk, Atlantic sturgeon and grey seal
Aim and vision:
The main aim for the fields of activities is to restore natural processes in the priority rewilding areas. Furthermore, we will establish a transboundary network of local wilderness guides, increase the number of herbivores and to continue remove dikes.
The Oder Delta has become a rich mosaic of large, wild ecosystems on land, freshwater and sea and is becoming a region where the return of nature creates new sources of income and pride through tourism in combination with some of the old traditions for the people who live here.
Uniqueness of the project:
The Oder Delta in the Baltic sea, situated between Poland and Germany, is part of the European Green Belt and located on one of the most important ecological crossroads in Europe. This area is a unique mosaic of large, wild ecosystems on land, freshwater and the sea.
Other activities:
Community involved, Eco tourism, Other, Recreational activities
Results so far:
Inspirational value:
Our team works in a region where the Iron Curtain divided East and West for decades. A mosaic of former military areas that were set aside from the public got accessible again. Those stretches of unique nature that benefited from this period are forming together with an existing network of protected areas a rich web of large, wild ecosystems.
Experience you would like to share:
River restoration measurements for migrating fish species, wetland restoration, and transboundary tourism network.
Experience you would like to gain:
Exchange with other teams on examples on long-term stakeholder involvement, such as landowners, local communities, fishermen. Exchange on re-wetting, flooding, dams. Enhancing local nature tourism facilities.