European Rewilding Network
Nature park Beremytske
The aim is to create a Nature park of 50 hectares where the natural process of grazing is allowed.
The main idea of the project is to gain first experiences with rewilding in Ukraine. The project site includes 30 hectares of abandoned agricultural land and 20 hectares of forest where natural grazing with wild-living horses and cattle is taking place.
Nature park Beremytske
Northern Ukraine Chernihiv Oblast (province)
Habitat types:
European forest-grassland
Keystone species:
Roe deer, fox, European hare
Aim and vision:
To create a Nature park of 50 hectares where the natural process of grazing is allowed. And to start rewilding on a territory of 350 hectares of production forest after local authorities agree. The local community will be involved and educational programs will start in order to highlight the importance of environmental protection and rewilding.
Our vision is to allow natural grazing with large herbivores in a Nature park, and the reintroduction of other wild animals to this abandoned land.
Uniqueness of the project:
The project is the first not state nature project in Ukraine nor is it initiated by foreign organizations like WWF Danube delta or Carpathian projects. This site will be the first in Ukraine to start natural grazing with wild cattle (Tauros) and wild horses.
Other activities:
Community involved, Eco tourism, Education, Recreational activities
Results you aim to accomplish in 10 years from now on:
During the summer of 2016 wild horses will be brought in, and in the autumn cattle will arrive. Until 2020 we would like to finish work within the Nature park and in the period of 2020-2025 start the rewilding of production forest where the key animal will be the European bison.
Results so far:
Until now private land measuring 50 hectares is secluded, in which fencing starts in order to bring animals in the summer of 2016. All permissions from local authorities have been received to create a Nature park and start rewilding at the territory.
Inspirational value:
We were inspired by different rewilding initiatives in Europe in which people started bringing back wilderness to abandoned areas. And we think that our project will be an example for other people in Ukraine that nature initiatives are possible in our country too.
Experience you would like to share:
Experience of starting rewilding initiatives in Eastern European countries and starting nature initiatives in Ukraine.
Experience you would like to gain:
This is the first pioneering project in Ukraine like this so there is a need to gain different experiences.

Start year
Size (ha)
Area type
Forest-grassland mosaic
Natural process
Natural grazing
Flagship species
Feral cattle
Member of:
The aim is to create a Nature park of 50 hectares where the natural process of grazing is allowed.
The main idea of the project is to gain first experiences with rewilding in Ukraine. The project site includes 30 hectares of abandoned agricultural land and 20 hectares of forest where natural grazing with wild-living horses and cattle is taking place.

Start year
Size (ha)
Area type
Forest-grassland mosaic
Natural process
Natural grazing
Flagship species
Feral cattle
Nature park Beremytske
Northern Ukraine Chernihiv Oblast (province)
Habitat types:
European forest-grassland
Keystone species:
Roe deer, fox, European hare
Aim and vision:
To create a Nature park of 50 hectares where the natural process of grazing is allowed. And to start rewilding on a territory of 350 hectares of production forest after local authorities agree. The local community will be involved and educational programs will start in order to highlight the importance of environmental protection and rewilding.
Our vision is to allow natural grazing with large herbivores in a Nature park, and the reintroduction of other wild animals to this abandoned land.
Uniqueness of the project:
The project is the first not state nature project in Ukraine nor is it initiated by foreign organizations like WWF Danube delta or Carpathian projects. This site will be the first in Ukraine to start natural grazing with wild cattle (Tauros) and wild horses.
Other activities:
Community involved, Eco tourism, Education, Recreational activities
Results you aim to accomplish in 10 years from now on:
During the summer of 2016 wild horses will be brought in, and in the autumn cattle will arrive. Until 2020 we would like to finish work within the Nature park and in the period of 2020-2025 start the rewilding of production forest where the key animal will be the European bison.
Results so far:
Until now private land measuring 50 hectares is secluded, in which fencing starts in order to bring animals in the summer of 2016. All permissions from local authorities have been received to create a Nature park and start rewilding at the territory.
Inspirational value:
We were inspired by different rewilding initiatives in Europe in which people started bringing back wilderness to abandoned areas. And we think that our project will be an example for other people in Ukraine that nature initiatives are possible in our country too.
Experience you would like to share:
Experience of starting rewilding initiatives in Eastern European countries and starting nature initiatives in Ukraine.
Experience you would like to gain:
This is the first pioneering project in Ukraine like this so there is a need to gain different experiences.
Member of: