Reintroduction of European bison to Shahdag National Park
European Bison in Azerbaijan
With the shooting of the last wild European bison in the Caucasus in 1927, this species was completely wiped out in its natural habitat. The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, WWF- Azerbaijan and WWF-Germany, Tierpark Berlin, Ex situ program for European bison of the European Association for Zoos and Aquarium (EAZA/EEP), International Dialogue for Environmental Action (IDEA) with support of many other partners formed a coalition for establishing a healthy and viable in-situ population of European bison in Shahdag National Park (Azerbaijan). The reintroduction of this large herbivore will assure natural dynamics in the ecosystems of which many plant and animal species will benefit. The European bison will raise public awareness for nature protection and will contribute to the creation of new opportunities for ecotourism and sustainable socio-economic development in the region.

With the shooting of the last wild European bison in the Caucasus in 1927, this species was completely wiped out in its natural habitat. The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, WWF- Azerbaijan and WWF-Germany, Tierpark Berlin, Ex situ program for European bison of the European Association for Zoos and Aquarium (EAZA/EEP), International Dialogue for Environmental Action (IDEA) with support of many other partners formed a coalition for establishing a healthy and viable in-situ population of European bison in Shahdag National Park (Azerbaijan). The reintroduction of this large herbivore will assure natural dynamics in the ecosystems of which many plant and animal species will benefit. The European bison will raise public awareness for nature protection and will contribute to the creation of new opportunities for ecotourism and sustainable socio-economic development in the region.