European Rewilding Network

Collettivo Rewild Sicily

Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Stefano Coco

Collettivo Rewild Sicily set out the mission to make the largest island of the Mediterranean basin a greener, more conscious and wilder place. We do that by shifting towards a pro-rewilding culture through tangible actions on the ground. Our tools are agroforestry, anti-wildfire measures, grazing systems, citizen science and wildlife monitoring. We are bottom-up, starting with people and local ecological knowledge truly rooted in its territory for more nature in Sicily and rewilding as an ally in the future to come.

Project: Collettivo Rewild Sicily
Region: Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Keystone species: European Eel
Aim and vision: Collettivo Rewild Sicily set out the mission to make the largest island of the Mediterranean basin a greener, more conscious and wilder place. We do that by shifting towards a pro-rewilding culture through tangible actions on the ground. Our tools are agroforestry, anti-wildfire measures, grazing systems, citizen science and wildlife monitoring.
We are bottom-up, starting with people and local ecological knowledge truly rooted in its territory for more nature in Sicily and rewilding as an ally in the future to come.
Uniqueness of the project: Collettivo Rewild Sicily is unique in its regional context, as it’s the first established rewilding initiative of its kind while we hope to contribute to a wider movementment of Mediterranean rewilding sitting at its very heart. We work bottom-up and are a multi-disciplinary and transsectoral team.
Other activities: Community involved, Eco tourism, Education, High-impact communications, Recreational activities, Research
Results you aim to accomplish in 10 years from now on: Improved river connectivity, decrease the number of fires in natural and semi-natural areas, increase the presence of local environmental volunteer groups, improve knowledge of regenerative agroecosystems, reintroduce or carry out restocking of at least 5 species of terrestrial vertebrates.
Results so far: Forestry and environmental management plan of the municipality of Altofonte (PA).
Census and removal categorization of the dams of the Pollina river (PA).
Database of landowners interested in rewilding actions.
Creation of Mediterranean agroforests.
Direct and indirect awareness on rewilding to local communities around the city of Palermo.
Inspirational value: By working hands-on in the field, we’ve learned by doing. By putting local ecological knowledge at the core of our rewilding efforts, we’ve implemented practical, territory-rooted solutions ensuring people’s early buy-in. Additionally, Sicily’s common disbelief in change worked in our favor, allowing us to show that change is happening now with the right coalition, tools, narratives, and actions.
Experience you would like to share: Managing conflict between farmers and wildlife. Change making in the Mediterranean.
Experience you would like to gain: Analysis of the causes of extinction, relative ability to evaluate whether those same causes still exist (reintroduction projects). Ecosystem analyses with different species (through Europe) but with the same ecological value/function.
Start year
Size (ha)
Area type
Mediterranean vegetation, River
Natural process
River dynamics, Wildfires
Flagship species
Fallow deer, Feral cattle, Feral horses, Vulture
Collettivo Rewild Sicily
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Mathia Coco
Stefano Coco

Collettivo Rewild Sicily set out the mission to make the largest island of the Mediterranean basin a greener, more conscious and wilder place. We do that by shifting towards a pro-rewilding culture through tangible actions on the ground. Our tools are agroforestry, anti-wildfire measures, grazing systems, citizen science and wildlife monitoring. We are bottom-up, starting with people and local ecological knowledge truly rooted in its territory for more nature in Sicily and rewilding as an ally in the future to come.

Start year
Size (ha)
Area type
Mediterranean vegetation, River
Natural process
River dynamics, Wildfires
Flagship species
Fallow deer, Feral cattle, Feral horses, Vulture
Project: Collettivo Rewild Sicily
Region: Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Keystone species: European Eel
Aim and vision: Collettivo Rewild Sicily set out the mission to make the largest island of the Mediterranean basin a greener, more conscious and wilder place. We do that by shifting towards a pro-rewilding culture through tangible actions on the ground. Our tools are agroforestry, anti-wildfire measures, grazing systems, citizen science and wildlife monitoring.
We are bottom-up, starting with people and local ecological knowledge truly rooted in its territory for more nature in Sicily and rewilding as an ally in the future to come.
Uniqueness of the project: Collettivo Rewild Sicily is unique in its regional context, as it’s the first established rewilding initiative of its kind while we hope to contribute to a wider movementment of Mediterranean rewilding sitting at its very heart. We work bottom-up and are a multi-disciplinary and transsectoral team.
Other activities: Community involved, Eco tourism, Education, High-impact communications, Recreational activities, Research
Results you aim to accomplish in 10 years from now on: Improved river connectivity, decrease the number of fires in natural and semi-natural areas, increase the presence of local environmental volunteer groups, improve knowledge of regenerative agroecosystems, reintroduce or carry out restocking of at least 5 species of terrestrial vertebrates.
Results so far: Forestry and environmental management plan of the municipality of Altofonte (PA).
Census and removal categorization of the dams of the Pollina river (PA).
Database of landowners interested in rewilding actions.
Creation of Mediterranean agroforests.
Direct and indirect awareness on rewilding to local communities around the city of Palermo.
Inspirational value: By working hands-on in the field, we’ve learned by doing. By putting local ecological knowledge at the core of our rewilding efforts, we’ve implemented practical, territory-rooted solutions ensuring people’s early buy-in. Additionally, Sicily’s common disbelief in change worked in our favor, allowing us to show that change is happening now with the right coalition, tools, narratives, and actions.
Experience you would like to share: Managing conflict between farmers and wildlife. Change making in the Mediterranean.
Experience you would like to gain: Analysis of the causes of extinction, relative ability to evaluate whether those same causes still exist (reintroduction projects). Ecosystem analyses with different species (through Europe) but with the same ecological value/function.
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