Partnerships are key

Diego Lopez / Wild Wonders of Europe

Partnerships are key

Technical partners

To achieve our mission, collaborating on content with technical partners is crucial. We warmly welcome rewilding organisations, research facilities, media production companies and all other kind of organisations that want to support our mission by joining forces on a non-financial basis as our technical partner.


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Rewilding Partners

UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world, for the benefit of people and nature. It aims to halt the degradation of ecosystems, and restore them to achieve global goals. Only with healthy ecosystems can we enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and stop the collapse of biodiversity.

The UN Decade runs from 2021 through 2030, which is also the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals and the timeline scientists have identified as the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change.

Led by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The UN Decade is building a strong, broad-based global movement to ramp up restoration and put the world on track for a sustainable future. That will include building political momentum for restoration as well as thousands of initiatives on the ground.

Grazeland Rewilding

Since 2015, Rewilding Europe works in partnership with Grazeland Rewilding (formerly called Taurus Foundation) in the so-called Tauros Programme. This programme aims to bring back the aurochs as a functional wild animal, by back-breeding the closest relatives of the original aurochs. The aurochs is the ancestor of all cattle and thereby the most important animal in the history of mankind. It is also a keystone species for many European ecosystems but was hunted to its extinction in 1627. However, its DNA is still alive but distributed among a number of the ancient original cattle breeds.

Grazing the landscapes of Europe, the auroch – Europe’s original wild bovine species – once played a vital role in maintaining biodiversity. Today, nearly four centuries after the animal’s extinction, pioneering efforts by Rewilding Europe and Grazelands Rewilding are seeing this beneficial herbivore brought back to life. This new animal is called ‘Tauros’.

The breeding programme is founded on a broad, multidisciplinary scientific base, including geneticists, ecologists, molecular biologists, archaeologists, archaeo-zoologists, historians, isotope experts, cattle experts and European cattle breeding organizations.

The breeding activities started in The Netherlands in 2009 and through our partnership, we are now also working in three rewilding areas: Greater Côa Valley (Portugal), Velebit Mountains (Croatia) and Danube Delta (Romania/Ukraine).

Wilderway uses the power of capital to accelerate the force of nature, aiming to significantly scale-up European rewilding. By bringing together landowners, buyers and unique nature restoration projects Wilderway supports making Europe a wilder place.

European Bison Conservation Center

Founded in 2007, the European Bison Conservation Center currently consists of a network of about 200 members, with a coordinating office located at the European Bison Friends Society in Warsaw, Poland. It also has regional centers or representatives in Germany, Poland, Scandinavia, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Russia, Belarus, Hungary and Czech Republic. Legally, EBCC is linked to the European Bison Friends Society, also based in Warsaw. The European Bison Pedigree Book, which tries to keep track of all individuals of the species and their ancestry and genealogy, is an autonomous entity linked to EBCC through a specific agreement. EBCC works closely with the IUCN/SSC Bison Specialist Group and with breeders and owners of European bison across Europe.

BirdLife Europe and Central Asia

BirdLife Europe and Central Asia is one of the six regional offices of BirdLife International, a global Partnership of autonomous, national non-governmental conservation organisations, with a large grassroots membership in 122 countries and territories. BirdLife International’s mission is to conserve wild birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, by working with people in their communities towards sustainability in the use of natural resources.

BirdLife Europe and Central Asia is a formal partner with Rewilding Europe, working together on the project “Promoting and shaping the EU restoration agenda, including TEN-G, through mobilisation of rewilding principles to create a coherent ecological network in Europe” (2017–2019). Funded by WWF Netherlands, this partnership represents a collaboration between Rewilding Europe, BirdLife Europe and Central Asia, the WWF European Policy Office, the European Environmental Bureau and German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). This project came to a conclusion in March 2020, influencing the new EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 under the EU Green Deal.

BirdLife Europe & Central Asia has also partnered with Rewilding Europe to produce the first Wildlife Comeback Report in Europe in 2013. In 2020, this partnership has been renewed to develop an updated version of this report, as well as scientific publications.

European Bird Census Council

The European Bird Census Council (EBCC) is an association under Dutch Law of like-minded expert ornithologists co-operating in a range of ways to improve bird monitoring and atlas work and thereby inform and improve the management and conservation of bird populations in Europe.

EBCC partnered with Rewilding Europe to produce the first Wildlife Comeback Report in Europe in 2013, by providing data and technical knowledge for this publication. In 2020, the partnership has been renewed to develop an updated version of this report, as well as scientific publications.

Dam Removal Europe

The overall ambition of Dam Removal Europe is to restore rivers in Europe that have high natural or cultural importance. Currently, there are many of these rivers in Europe that are fragmented by obsolete dams and weirs. By removing these barriers, we can once again have healthy free-flowing rivers full of fishes for all to benefit.

Dam Removal Europe is a project that allows relevant specialists to connect with one another, share knowledge and inspire new visions for a free-flowing Europe.

The Global Rewilding Alliance

The Global Rewilding Alliance was formed in 2020 and is currently a growing network of more than 150 practitioner and messenger organisations. Together, they work in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, North America and globally to rewild more than 200 million hectares of land and sea in more than 120 countries.

A world where restored wild lands and seas provide a secure future for people, nature and the planet. The Global Rewilding Alliance is mobilising the power of people working together to rewild the Earth and stabilise the climate.


GREFA is a breeding station for endangered wildlife species. As a partner, GREFA provides birds for release in our rewilding landscapes, including cinereous vultures, griffon vultures, and red kites


EarthRanger is a user-friendly, online platform, developed by Vulcan Inc. to help protected area managers, ecologists and wildlife biologists stay informed and make better wildlife conservation-related decisions. It has so far been rolled out in the Velebit Mountains, Rhodope Mountains, Greater Côa Valley and Southern Carpathians, with data now regularly uploaded to the system by local rewilding teams. The deployment of EarthRanger software across Rewilding Europe’s operational areas allows rewilding teams to keep better track of wildlife, thereby enhancing rewilding outcomes.

Natura Connect

NaturaConnect aims to design and develop a blueprint for a truly coherent Trans-European Nature Network (TEN-N) of conserved areas that protect at least 30% of land in the European Union, with at least one third of it under strict protection. Within the initiative, Rewilding Europe collaborates with universities and research institutes, government bodies and non-governmental organisations and key stakeholders. Together we aim to create targeted knowledge and tools, and build the capacity needed to support European Union Member States in realising an ecologically representative, resilient and well-connected network of conserved areas across Europe.

Cabin Anna

In an increasingly urban world, the challenge to allow nature into our daily lives is ever-increasing. With the construction of buildings, Cabin Anna created comfort and safety, but also a distance to our natural environment and wellbeing.

With Cabin ANNA, inside becomes outside again. Cabin ANNA inspires you through nature. It’s a magical feeling to wake up with the morning melodies of the birds next to you, to feel a breeze gusting through the dining area or even to sleep under the open sky.


Ernst & Young

EY is a global leader in assurance, consulting, strategy and transactions. Rewilding Europe is grateful to receive their pro bono advice on IT infrastructure.

European Young Rewilders

The European Young Rewilders is a network of young professionals and enthusiasts, that aims to connect people across Europe and help them get involved with rewilding by providing tools and empowering young Europeans to become active players in the rewilding movement.


Our partner LifeScape is developing a Rewilding Legal Hub, with the aim to produce and disseminate a set of briefing notes on legal issues associated with rewilding in three jurisdictions in Europe.

EUROPARC Federation

Europe’s extensive network of protected areas plays a vital role in conserving the continent’s natural beauty, flora and fauna. The partnership between Rewilding Europe and the EUROPARC Federation aims to help many create the enabling conditions for wilder nature, delivering essential benefits for people, biodiversity and climate.

Engagement partners

Gesellschaft für Naturfotografie

GDT is the German association for wildlife and nature photography, with a strong international network and more than 50 years experience in authentic, aesthetic and documentary photography. It is committed to photography that embraces authenticity, true conservation and artistic quality to the same degree.

Every year the GDT organizes the European Wildlife Photographer of the Year (EWPY) competition, open to all professional and non-professinal photographers resident in Europe and GDT members. It is recognized as one of the most renowned competitions for nature photography in Europe.


The first interactive video-on-demand platform dedicated to the Planet, was launched in 2020. It is built on three primary pillars: Watch, Connect, Take Action. WaterBear’s mission is to educate and help people, companies and NGOs across the world to take action and improve our future by participating in local and global science, education and environmental initiatives.

The WaterBear Network fills a gap between TV Networks and their audiences. It works with global broadcasters to produce and distribute high-quality films and programmes on a range of environmental issues relating to the future of the planet. The premium content offered by the WaterBear Network has vast reserves of information on critical environmental concerns, facts and solutions.

Ads & Impact

Online performance marketing agency that helps organisations grow by running and optimizing smart online marketing campaigns. Their main expertise is on strategy development, search engine marketing and social media advertising. With an entrepreneurial mindset Ads & Impact is working with 7 performance marketing specialists for over 60 companies and organisations.

For Rewilding Europe, Ads & Impact is managing the allocated Google Ad Grants programme. With these efforts, Rewilding Europe is able to stand out in the Google search results on relevant search queries. A great help in strengthening our online visibility and outreach on rewilding topics.

Princess Laurentien van Oranje

Ineke Oostveen

A special thank you

Since Rewilding Europe began in 2010, Princess Laurentien van Oranje has supported Rewilding Europe by providing strategic advice and facilitating meetings and events.

In recognition of her highly valued contribution, she received a special Rewilding Europe Award in 2022 from Executive Director Frans Schepers. We wholeheartedly thank the princess for her dedicated support and fantastic team spirit and look forward to keeping working with her in the future.


If you are an organisation, institution or company with the ability and desire to make Europe wilder, we invite you to connect and explore opportunities to become our technical or financial partner!

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