Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Member of the European Parliament and Rapporteur Biodiversity, will receive the first report of Wildlife Comeback in Europe at a special seminar in London. On 26 September 2013, the Zoological Society of London, BirdLife International and European Bird Census Council will publish and officially present this overview of changes in abundance and distribution of wildlife species that have shown a considerable comeback in Europe since 1960.
This study, commissioned by Rewilding Europe, will describe the factors causing the changes in distributions and numbers of some 45 different species. It will also present and discuss the challenges and opportunities this wildlife comeback brings to Europe and the Europeans. This can provide important lessons for the conservation efforts in the future.
The findings of the study will also be presented at the 10th World Wilderness Congress WILD10 in Salamanca, Spain, on 4th October 2013. The London seminar on the wildlife comeback in Europe is a pre-WILD10 event.
Cooperating partners in the Wildlife Comeback Study and the seminar are Zoological Society of London, BirdLife International, European Bird Census Council, Rewilding Europe and London Zoo.
The Wildlife Comeback Study and Seminar are made possible by the generous grants of the Swedish Postcode Lottery (Svenska Postkod Stiftelsen), Liberty Wildlife Fund (The Netherlands) and ARK Nature (The Netherlands).